Usamaru Furuya Unofficial Web Site, Tokyo


Usamaru Books Movies Other Works Links Contact

Notice (passed)

Manga Brothers Signature Events
Sat. 3 JUL 2010 12pm - 3pm LDH SHOP TOKYO
Sun. 4 JUL 2010 12pm - 3pm LDH SHOP OSAKA
For release of Zutto Issho. During Fri.25 Jun - Sun.27 Jun, Buy a book at above stores and fill in the entry sheet. 200 selected people can attend the event. No reservation.
Contact LDH SHOP TOKYO TEL.03-5784-3458
OSAKA TEL.06-6535-7338

Usamaru Furuya sensei exhibition of original pictures
Thu. 4 Feb.2010 - Wed. 3 Mar.2010
Comic Kingdom 3F Fujisawa shop, Yurindo
Fujisawa-Meiten Bld. 2-1-1 Minami Fujisawa, Fujisawa, Kanagawa
URL : Shop's page

From Sat. 26 Sep. 2009 to Fri. 9 Oct. Movie festival Tentai Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai 2
Usamaru-san: Poster illustration and special guest for talk show at Sat. 3 Oct.

>>more info.

On Sat. 12 Sep. 09, Signature Event in Book First Shinjuku for release of Genkaku Picasso (2).

Get the ticket by buying the book plus Jump Square October issue at the store after Fri. 4 Sep. First 100 persons. No pre order. Phone : 03-5393-7611

On Sat. 13 Jun. 09, Signature Event in Keibundo Kichijouji for release of Ningen Shikkaku (1).
Get the ticket by buying the book at the store after 9 June. First 100 persons only

On Sat. 6 Dec. 08, Signature Event in Seijo store of Sanseido shoten for release of Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru.
Get the ticket by buying the book at the store after Thu. 27 Nov. You may order by phone (03-5429-2401). First 100 persons
>> more info.

On Sat. 8 Nov. 08, Signature Event in Sannomiya store of Junkudo for release of Innocents Shonen Jujigun.
Get the ticket by buying the book at the store after Thu. 22 Oct. You can order it at the book store or by phone (078-392-1001). First 150 persons

On Sat. 1 Nov. 08, Signature Event in SHIBUYA TSUTAYA for release of Innocents Shonen Jujigun.
Get the ticket by buying the book at the store after Thu. 22 Oct. First 150(?) persons

Until 10 am, 1 Oct. 08, "A vote for the most popular character created by Usamaru Furuya" is being held on the Ohta Publishing Web site.
>> more info

On Sun. 27 Jul. 08, Signature Event in Roppongi store of Aoyama Book Center for release of Flowers.
Get the ticket by buying the book at the store after Fri. 25 Jul. First 70 persons!
>> more info

On 8 Dec. 07, Dendou no Merry Christmas vol.4 @ Ikebukuro LIVEINNROSA
15:00 Open, 15:30 Start
Adv. 3000yen, Door 3500yen (exclude 1-Drink)

Illustration by Usamaru Furuya

Usamaru-san will be on the jury at the Tama-com, competition held in Tama Art University festival.
display Fri.2/11/07 - Sat.3/11/07
10:00 - 20:00 Kaminoge Campus Bld.#2 1fl.-3fl.

total criticism & awarding ceremony
3/11/07 17:30 -
Kaminoge Campus Hall


Usamaru Furuya Unofficial Web Site, Tokyo

We are moving now

Please refer both sites for a while.
New site :

Welcome to Usamaru Furuya Unofficial Web Site, Tokyo. This is fun site of Usamaru Furuya, Japanese cartoonist. You can get his manga (cartoon) books information includes English and French edition. Also other his works such as book/magazine cover arts, interview articles, movie information ... are included. Have a fun.
October 2009 : Still translating to Japanese. If you encounter missing link, switch to Japanese page. For not translated article, please re-visit after one month or year with cross finger...


    - Old News (November 2005 - October 2007)

13 August 2010

Usamaru-san previewd the cover illustion of U.S. edition of The Lychee Light Club (Vertical / 16.95$ / 19-04-2011 / ISBN: 978-1935654063).
Hm. It is not so good... But, to sell the book in U.S. market, it seems to be the best way, isn't it?
I rememberd the word of Bruce Starling, sci-fi writer, that "My books always have quite beautiful cover in Japan, not in original U.S. edition"

Ref : Usamaru-san's tweet(2010/08/07)

11 August 2010

Additinal information about Misa 26ji's BEAT Rocking House.
まず、ジャケットのイメージは実はなな子さんらしいです。画像でははっきりしませんがソドム君ペンダントヘッドを付けています。 で、初回限定特典がこの「ソドム君ペンダントヘッド」です。前作での「ソドム君ピック」といい分かってます :-) 続いて曲目のリスト。併記されているのはオリジナルのアーティストです。

Misa26ji BEAT Rocking HOUSE includes
03. The Yellow Monkey /SPARK
04. Unicorn/MAYBE BLUE
05. Kyouke Himuro / KISS ME
06. GLAY / Grorious
07. JUN SKY WALKER(S)/Aruite Iko
09. SharanQ/Single Bed


参照 : ヴィレッジヴァンガード / ヴィレッジヴァンガードオンライン(今日現在、情報未掲載)

10 August 2010

Usamaru-san newly drew illustration for the CD jacket that will be sold in Village Vanguard only.

Misa26ji BEAT Rocking HOUSE
RELEASE 2010.08.18
1,980 yen (tax incl.)

『彼女を守る51の方法』のなな子をジャケットにフィーチャーした「Piereccing HOUSE」の第二弾。 前回はヴィジュアル系のカバーでしたが、今回はビートロックハウスカバー。
って、なんのことか分かりませんが視聴できる範囲だと BOOWY「B.Blue」、ZIGGY「GLORIA」、ユニコーン「Maybe Blue」、 Glay「グロリアス」、シャ乱q「シングルベッド」。選曲は少し優しくなったかも。

参照 : レーベルの紹介(視聴できます)
参照 : 前作の詳細については2009/9/5の記事を参照してください。


兎丸さんの作品が最初に翻訳されたのは2002年の英語版『ショートカッツ』でした。 当時としてはまだ珍しい裏焼きでない右開き、日本語の固有名詞に英語の解説がつき、白取千夏雄さんとの対談まで収録された非常に充実した内容で このWebサイトを立ち上げるきっかけになったものでした (詳細はこちら)。

以後、兎丸さんの作品はフランス語、ドイツ語、ハングル、中国語と翻訳されますが何故か英語版の出版は『ショートカッツ』を出したきりで途絶えていました。 ちなみにこの件については高橋留美子さんの海外ファンサイト「Rumic World」の管理人さんからも 嘆きのメールが来たことがあります。


まずは、2010年11月発売予定で『幻覚ピカソ (1)』の英訳版『Genkaku Picasso, Vol. 1』。 とても分かりやすい内容ですし、絵的にも面白い漫画ですので英訳も当然かなぁ と思いますよね、出版元の VIZ は『Short Cuts』の出版社であり、創設には集英社も絡んでいます。 驚くべきは表紙絵のデザインで、これってもしかして兎丸さんとchutteさん英訳版のために作業したのでしょうか!?

続いて2011年4月に発売予定『ライチ☆光クラブ』の英訳版『The Lychee Light Club』。 内容的にレイティングがかなりきつそうですが、兎丸さんの代表作ですから是非、世界中の人に読んでほしいところです。

『彼女を守る51の方法』の英語版は何故か2種類。一つは今年出版された『Tokyo Inferno』2冊。ページ数から察するにオリジナルの5冊を2冊に まとめたもののようです。そしてもう一つは『51 Ways to Save Her』で2010年9月から出版が始まります。こちらは日本版と同じ巻数で出版されるようです。

英語版以外では『少年少女漂流記』のフランス語版『L'age de deraison』が2010年6月に出版されています。表紙は漫画の中のヒトコマを着色したものですが これってネタバレじゃないかなぁ...?



参照 : 社会派くんがゆく! 公式サイト


少し前から兎丸さんデザインのTシャツが発売されています。実際に着て歩くにはかなーり勇気のいるデザインも含まれますが、ファンとしてはどれも抑えておきたいような。 今日現在で色違いも含めて以下の15種類が発売されています。 具体的なサイズはブログのコメントが参考になります。
















参照 : TEE PARTY / ひとりクラブ
参照 : うさぎ☆ひとりクラブ / Tシャツ販売に対するコメント一覧





とり・みき「気絶した。RT @usamarus2001 今月は300p分のシナリオ書くぞ。
中川いさみ「作画の方もお願いしたい。RT @videobird すべてのマンガ家は毎朝兎丸さんの所にネームの買い付けに行くというのはどうか。



『ずっといっしょ』発売記念、漫画兄弟サイン会に行ってきました。14:00からの入場でしたが、仕切りが良いのか比較的すいており、 また当日に本を買ってもサイン会には入場できそうでした。

参照 : 東京でのサイン会の様子 (写真あり)

参照 : 大阪でのサイン会の様子 (写真あり)


というわけで行ってきました LDH SHOP TOKYO。中目黒からしばらく歩いたところにある、EXILE前面フューチャーのお店です。 品切れのはずの『納豆侍まめ太郎』も置いてありました。買えなかった人はこの機会にどうぞ。当選するといいなぁ。

追記 : 6/30 に当選の連絡がありました :-)



    幻冬舎 / ISBN978-4-344-01857-0 / 1200円 + TAX


場所は LDH SHOP という EXILE(!) のオフィシャルショップ。漫画兄弟三男ノリさん(劇団EXILE)関連ですね。

日時 : 東京 2010/7/3(土) 12:00〜15:00 LDH SHOP TOKYO
         大阪 2010/7/4(日) 12:00〜15:00 LDH SHOP OSAKA
定員 : 各200名
参加方法 : 6/25(金)〜6/27(日)の間に各 LDH SHOPにて『ずっといっしょ』を購入し応募用紙に記入。抽選で後日、当選者にのみ電話連絡あり
問合せ : LDH SHOP TOKYO TEL.03-5784-3458 / LDH SHOP OSAKA TEL.06-6535-7338


こんなので 7/19 発売に間に合うの? と思ったら「ジャンプSQ.19」は隔月刊でなく、5月、8月、11月、2月の年4回刊行を予定しているそうで、次回は8月19日発売とか。 ちなみに 19日発売なので 19 が付いているとか。最初は「んな馬鹿な」と思いましたが意外と分かりやすいですね。

兎丸さんのTwitter (2010/06/22 10:58pm)


『人間失格』連載中の月刊「コミックバンチ」が休刊するそうです。当初はかなりエキセントリックに伝わりましたが、まったく消えてしまうわけではなく 現在の形態から別の形態に移行するようです。兎丸さんの反応はと言えば

参照 : 産経新聞の最初の報道
参照 : コミックバンチの発表


さて 兎丸さんのTwitterで『π』の田村じゅんのコスプレが紹介されていました。演じているのはいとこさん。可愛いなぁ。

参照 : 兎丸さんのTwitter (2010/06/10 5:22pm)


兎丸さんがテレビ東京「サキよみ ジャンBANG!」に出演されました。「ジャンプSQ.19」の宣伝も兼ねたかと思いますが、『帝一の國』がサラリと紹介される程度でメインの 特集は「漫画家になるための秘訣を学ぶ!!」。兎丸さんは茨木政彦ジャンプSQ編集長と共に、漫画家志望の子供16人の質問にに答えていました。 収録では16人全員の質問に答えたそうですが、実際に放映された質問と回答は次の通り。

質問1 : 「画力」ってどうやったら上がりますか?
兎丸 : 物をよく見て描くデッサンの勉強をすると絵も上手くなります。絵っていうのは手じゃなくて目です。

質問2 : 手を描くコツを教えてください。
兎丸 : 手は体のパーツの中で一番難しいですね。上手な描き方として
      1) 土台となる手のひらを描く
      2) 弧を描き指の長さの目安を決める
      3) 目安に合わせて指を描く
      4) 弧を描き関節の位置を決める

質問3: 体を動かすときの絵の描き方を教えてください。
兎丸 : 棒人間の練習が大事です。上手な描き方として
      1) 棒人間で骨組みを描く
      2) 骨組みに細かく肉付けをする

質問では他に「必殺技はどうやって考えますか?」というのもあったそうです。答えは茨木編集長に振ったそうですが、兎丸さんの答えも聞きたかったですね。 ちなみに番組後半は地獄のミサワ先生が持って行ってしまいました。

参照 : テレビ東京「サキよみ ジャンBANG!」





参照 : ジャンプSQ.19 のページ

8 May 2010

Usamaru will appear in TV program!
Sakiyomi Jump BANG! on TV-Tokyo 6pm - 6:30pm at Friday, 21 May 2010
ちなみに兎丸さんのTV出演は2007年1月のNHK「マンガノゲンバ」以来です。サイン会等に行けない方で、幸いテレビ東京系列が見られる方には動く兎丸さんに会える絶好のチャンスです。 お見逃しなく。

Ref : Sakiyomi Jump BANG! on TV-Tokyo

22 April 2010

Usamaru-san had a sun! The baby's name is Tsukito (Lunar city). This might be from Usa (rabbit) in Usamaru(*). Congratulations!
* Old Japanese believed the rabbit lives in the moon from its surface shape.

Ref : Usamaru-san's Twitter


New book without detail information

    Genkaku Picasso Vol.3
      Friday, 4 June 2010 will be released from Shueisha


New serialization

    Teiichi no Kuni (Teiichi's Country)

掲載誌は「ジャンプSQ.19」という5/19(水)に創刊される新雑誌。まだどこにも情報がないのですが月刊誌 ... なんですよねぇ??

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2010.04.04 The last episode and new serialization
Ref : Ad page of Jump SQ.19

27 March 2010

It is the last episode of Genkaku Picasso which will appear in May issue of Monthly Jump Square (3 April 2010 on sale).
センターカラー40ページ。もともとは 8 回の短期集中連載だったものが好評につき延長され、極太単行本 3 巻分の作品になりました。ジャンプ読者層のリアルな悩みにマッチし、人気だったのではないかと思います。 何となく無限に続くようにも感じていたので残念です。

22 March 2010

I've got two news that Litchi * Hikari Club was put a play on the stage.

漫画『ライチ☆光クラブ』は、兎丸さんが高校生の時に見た東京グランギニョルのお芝居「ライチ光クラブ」が原案です。 当時のビデオは現存せず、台本や録音テープ、関係者の証言、雑誌等の記事、そして記憶から再構成、再解釈されたのが漫画版です。ただし完全な再現を目指したものではなく、そこには兎丸さん独自の演出や展開も含まれています(なので原作でなく原案)。 以下に紹介するお芝居は、その兎丸版「ライチ光クラブ」を元に制作されたお芝居で、興味深いループ構造ができています。どれだけお芝居としての肉付け(あるいは再生?)ができるかは演出家次第ですが、情報的にも年齢的にも飴屋法水演出から真の意味で自由なのは、幸いかもしれません。

The first one is coming one.

Tulip Planning presents Part Two : Litchi * Hikari Club


公演日時: 2010年4月14日(水)17:00開演(※開場は開演の30分前です)
公演会場: 中富南コミュニティーホール (埼玉県所沢市中富南4丁目4番地の1)
入場料: 500円
問い合わせ: litchi_tulip<at>  (制作・三好) (<at>は@で置き換え)
参照: チューリップ企画公式ブログ

The second one is already finished one.

Tohoku University Theatrical club February playing Litchi * Hikari Club

脚本・演出: 三浦達尋
原作: 古屋兎丸『ライチ☆光クラブ』
公演日時: 2010年2月26日〜3月8日
公演会場: 東北大学片平キャンパス内第6ホール
入場料: 前売り500円、当日800円
問い合わせ: litchi201002<at> (<at>は@で置き換え)
参照: 公式ページ 動画の予告もあります。
designed by Tohoku University Art Club

20 March 2010

In Kana Ohtsuki's blog, she had mentioned about the Usamaru-san's visit to her personal exhibition and her memory in younger days about Usamaru-san as her rival to draw beautiful girls :-)

Ref : One day One picture (official blog) / 2010.03.19 personal exhibition. Usamaru Furuya sensei and Tahi Saihate

19 March 2010

The collaboration works with Otsuichi re-released as bunko edition (Japanese paperback) as already pre announced. The author's name is "Furuya X Otsuichi X Usamaru", which means this is really collaboration, not Usamaru's manga based on Otsuichi's base novel. The book designer is chutte, as always. This is the first release of bunko edition of Usamaru-san's book.

New Book!
   Shonen Shoujo Hyouryuki
    Shincho Bunko / 25 March 2010 / ISBN 978-4-08-746544-0 / 476 Yen + TAX


Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2010.03.18 Bunko edition of Shonen Shoujo Hyouryuki

13 March 2010

On Saturday 13 March, Litchi Hikari Club Night was held for limited fun's event at Snack Bar Nipponia. This event was announced at Usamaru-san's blog and I could attend after the 100 times re-dials at the entry acceptance day.
鍋を囲みながら、1986年12月東京グランギニョル公演時の録音を聞き、ファン通しの熱い会話。ニッポニアのマスター浜里さんは元東京グランギニョル劇団員。 当時16歳(!)で舞台に立たれたそうで、わかりづらい録音に時折、解説を入れてくれました。後半、飴屋法水さんも合流され、素晴らしい会になりました。 兎丸さん、本当にありがとうございました。

当日、紛失したデジカメありました!! 迷惑をかけた皆さん、兎丸さん、本当にありがとうございます。という訳で当日の写真です。

(1)スナック・ニッポニアは貸切でした。 (2) 店には貴重なライチ・ポスターがあります。このポスターはデザイナーのchutteさん作で10枚程度しか作られなかったとか。 (3)太田出版からお花が届いていました。(4)奥に立つのが兎丸さん。 2010年4月からニッポニアは営業体系が変わるため、その前にライチを生んだ場所としてなにかイベントをやりたかったそうです。 当時の経緯について興味のある方は 『SNSの研究』 内の兎丸さんインタビューを参照ください。

(5)当日のお料理は鍋。美味しかったです。 (6)マスターの浜里さん。光クラブによるリンチの被害者「浜里」役。 (7)マスター夫婦。店のライチ・ポスターで話しを始めたのが交際のきっかけ。

(8)合流した飴屋さん。ご自分の舞台映像を流しながら解説していただきました。 (9)デザートのライチ。 (10)兎丸さんがさらさらっと描いたジョー。サインまで...。

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2010.03.14 Thank you, every attendees!

7 March 2010

Manga Erotics F vol.62 which serializes Innocents Shonen Jujigun will be released at Tuesday 9 March. The main special article of this volume is dedicated to Haruka Kawachi, and sub feature covers Usamaru-san. Editor room's blog says,

To celebrate the release of Innocents Shonen Jujigun, mini-special article appears in this volume.
It covers Shonen Jujigun's road map from its beginning, each characters' introduction and mini-interview of Usamaru-san!!

It also includes pin-up poster of some characters. Click below link to know what design it is.

Ref : Manga Erotics F editors room's blog / Manga Erotics F vol.62 will be released at 9 March!!
Ref : Order/Buy Manga Erotics F vol.62 on amazon ->

28 February 2010

Usamaru-san tweeted about Shonen Shoujo Hyouryuki bunko edition (Japanese paperback edition) that will be released soon, and that had been mentioned in the talk show at the Shibuya Eurospace at the last October.
Although bunko edition is cheaper and handy for us, it won't include the many interesting parts of original book that was designed by chute. If you have a chance and (a bit) money, you should get the original one. Before that the drawings in bunko edition is too small...
Oh, this is the first time that Usamaru-san's works are re-printed as bunko edition.

10 February 2010

Though the late news, the new sequel of Shakaiha-kun ga yuku! series was appeared at the beginning of the last month as other years. The number of series is 9 and every cover illustrations were drawn by Usamaru-san.

    Shakaiha-kun ga iku! Shippu edition
    by Shunichi Karasawa and Hyakuroh Murasaki
    Aspect / 1 January 2010 / ISBN:978-4-7572-1738-6 / 1680 Yen

From editor's message:
(cut) We asked Usamaru Furuya-sensei to put one impact picture on the cover with refreshed mind.

6 February 2010

(Repeated article so that I could get the cover image) Volume 2 of Ningen Shikkaku, which appears one a month at Weekly Comic Bunch will be released.
Though this might not be appropriate for this contents, but ... What a cool cover, this is! Every factors such as broken shaped title characters, Tatami mat, swallowtail butterfly, and Yohzoh are fitting each other.

New book

    Ningen Shikkaku (2) (No longer human)
    ISBN 978-4107715425
    9 February 2010 / 540Yen / Shinchosha

Ref : Official site of Bunch Comics
Ref : amazon - reservation

4 February 2010

I went to exhibition of original pictures held at 3-floor, Fujisawa shop, Yurindo.
Before that, I ordered the autographed book to the shoppers and reply was "The winners selected in a drawing can buy it". What!?

On the book shopper's web site and other news sites, they say that the autographed book will be sold at the exhibition. But in reality, the registration to drawing is required, and the winners will receive phone call later from book shop during 20/Feb to 26/Feb. Hm. Please directly ask by yourself because they may change it again!!

About the exhibition, the grass case arranges about 20 of Usamaru-san's original pictures. Upper shelf had Innocents Shonen Jujigun, and lower Litchi * Hikari Club. On the wall, some colored pictures were pasted. I always says about the exhibition, they are so beautiful. Especially I could not take off my eyes from sleeping Kanon every time, though I'd watched many times. I wanted to see them more closely...

There was a notebook that fun can leave the messages. Do not forget to draw picture or message for Usamaru-san. I forgot it because I was surprised at the fact that I couldn't buy the book... Dumb!

Ref: Comic Kingdom, 3-floor, Fujisawa shop, Yurindo

4 February 2010

Usamaru-san begun Twilog.
Twilog is the service that stores tweets of Twitter in blog style. We can easily follow the daily tweets from usamaru-san. His Twilog account is

3 February 2010

From article of news site Natalie,
At the Shincho Online Shop, replica of cover illustration of Ningen Shikkaku (2) will be sold from Tue., 9 Feb. the same day of its release. Price is 39800 Yen. Only 30 replicas only.

Ref : From news site Natalie, Bunch goods net shopping Ningen Shikkaku replica & Shanana towel
Ref : Shincho Online Shop - Not listed yet.

2 February 2010

To celebrate the release of Innocents Shonen Jujigun Vol.2, two events will be held at Yurindo bookstore group.

Usamaru Furuya sensei Exhibition of original pictures
It will display original pictures of Innocents Shonen Jujigun and Litchi * Hikari Club. Now accepting the drawing for autographed book buying.
(5 Feb 2010 Additional Notice. On the book shopper's web site and other news sites, they say that the autographed book will be sold at the exhibition. But in reality, the registration to drawing is required, and the winners will receive phone call later from book shop during 20/Feb to 26/Feb. Please directly ask by yourself because they may change it again!!
Date : Thu. 4 Feb. 2010 - Wed. 3 Mar. 2010
Time : 10:00 - 21:00
Place : Comic Kingdom, 3 floor, Fujisawa-shop, Yurindo
Address : Fujisawa-Meiten Bld. 2-1-1 Minami Fujisawa, Fujisawa, Kanagawa
Phone : 0466-26-1411

Innocents Shonen Jujigun Vol.2 autographed book will be sold (Note. Detail is not yet fixed. Please ask by yourself)
Place : Comic Kingdom, West-exit, Yokohama-st. Yurindo
Address : Underground mall The Diamond, West-exit, Yokohama st. 1-4-B1F, Minami Saiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa
Phone : 045-311-6265

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2010.02.02 Innocents Shonen Jujigun Vol.2

28 January 2010

February 2010. Many Usamaru-san's comics will be published. And the first one is Innocents Shonen Jujigun. Nicora had a painful facial expression which signals the coming of overwhelming despair.

New book

    Innocents Shonen Jujigun Vol.2 (Innocents Children's Crusade)
    ISBN 978-4778321055 / A5 size / 288 pages
    8 February 2010 / 1260 Yen (Tax is included) / Ohta Publishing Corp.

Ref : Ohta Publishing's book page
Ref : amazon - reservation

14 January 2010

Usamaru-san drew illustration of poem written by Tahi Saihate that appeared in February issue of Shonen Magazine Special edition, now on sale.
The serialization title is "Sky segments.". Each sequel adopts each illustrator, and this issue is 5th sequel. Before Usamaru-san, Moto Hagio, Wakako Katama, Naoki Yamamoto and Kana Ohtsuki drew the illustration for the poems. This month's title is "Winter Junction".
About Usamaru-san, Tahi says
"I am really happy this collaboration of winter story, in winter season."
Please please refer the linked blog so that many beautiful words for Usamaru-san are there.

Ref : Zenchinou - Saihate Tahi-san's blog. Refer article at Saturday 9 Jan. 2010.

4 January 2010

Norihisa Hiranuma, the third brother of Manga Brothers mentioned about their second picture book project in his blog Nori no Mori.
As I already reported, the subject of the book is "Dog". The offer had came from MARS/Pedigree to release original Japanese edition of their picture book relating to dog, as "Pedigree's dog adoption campaign" those were already released in U.K.
At the last November, Norihisa was discussing about the base story. Now, it might be a turn of Usamaru-san to draw the picture. Hm. He seems to be very busy...

Ref: Nori no Mori / 2009.11.28 Pedigree x Manga Brothers!
Ref: The page of Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru collects each members' blogs about Manga Brothers.

31 December 2009

Usamaru-san's pet named Pou-chan, kinkajou, frequently mentioned in his blog or Twitter, had died at the end of last year. After the hard work, Usamaru-san played with Pou-chan every night. At the dialogue of Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou, he said he had prepared emergency foods for Pou-chan...
I am very sad, too. May Pou-chan's spirit rest in peace.

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.12.31 At the end of year ...

20 December 2009

Usamaru-san enabled the comment function of his blog, again. Character design for his next manga and other images have been uploading on it. Send many many fun messages to Usamaru-san!!

Usamaru-san is also tweeting his life or others in Twitter. Follow him at the address that shown at the bottom of the self introduction corner of his blog or below Ref. I never thought I could see in realtime that Usamaru-san made appointment with Kyousuke Usuta for his basic idea that was too dark to appear on the Shonen Jump, or, Hisashi Eguchi, Sensha Yoshida and Usamaru-san had a talk. I am happy. Right image is Usamaru-san's Twitter icon Christmas edition.

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club
Ref : Usamaru-san's Twitter account

5 December 2009

Already, Usamaru-san informed us in his blog, he drew the cover illustration of the book. This image is being used his twitter icon.

   Muen barai - Seiiki no Shojo
    by Osamu Makino
    Kadowaka Horror Bunko / 25 Nov. 2009 / ISBN:978-4043522132 / 660 Yen

And one more book. This book has not only cover illustration but also Usamaru-san's manga "Delphi of Goddess Life Hack" at the beginning. Popular blog 404 Blog Not Found which had picked up Genkaku Picasso already introduced as "I was caught it by Usamaru's cover illustration. But it was good catch.".

   Chou * Life Hack Seiten - Mayoeru Adult notameno Saishu * Jiko Keihatsu Bible
    by Kokoro Corp.
    Gijutsu-Hyohron Co. / 20 Nov. 2009 / ISBN:978-4774140698 / 1554 Yen

In this Year, the cover illustration of new book of Shakaiha-kun ga Iku series, And Innocents Shonen Jujigun (2) !!

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.11.15 Muen barai
Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.11.17 Tsure-zure

2 November 2009

I've created Usamaru-san's one week from his tweets or blog articles. Literary, he draws manga from morning to mid night.

Ref : Usamaru-san's one week

17 October 2009

Alpha blogger, Dan Kogai mentioned about Usamaru-san and Genkaku Picasso in his blog "404 Blog Not Found". I've so surprised at his comment: Usamaru described the human minds with the drawing-self without any letters or comic symbols. Yes his comment is definitely correct but too difficult to point out because it is too natural... Great opinion!

Another article in the net about Usamaru-san.
We know that HAKUEI (PENICILLIN), musician and the second brother of Manga Brothers, was also famous manga fan and had debuted as cartoonist. In his one of serialization about manga, "This is my manga DO!?", HAKUEI picked up the Usamaru-san's Pi. Do you know that the Yumeto Sawaki, the main character of Pi was drawn based on the HAKUEI image?

Ref : 404 Blog Not Found / Full of pictures - or - Manga, Genkaku Picasso
Ref : PENICILLIN HAKUEI / This is my Manga DO!?

9 October 2009

Today is the final day of the movie festival Tentai Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai 2 held at Shibuya Eurospace. Again, Usamaru-san will have a talk session with both directors, Ami Sakurai and Hirotaka Adachi (a.k.a. Otsuichi).

Ref: Tentai Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai 2
Ref: Report of the previous talk session. Articles in this web site at 3 October 2009.
Ref: Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.10.09 I'll attend. Today.

8 October 2009

Manga Brothers, the unit consists of Usamaru, HAKUEI (from PENICILLIN) and Norihisa Hiranuma, had started the project to create and publish the new picture books for children.
The theme of it is not vol.2 of Natto Zamurai nor education for the food, but the "Dog"! What story is it!?

Ref: Nori no Mori / 2009.10.08 Congratulation!
Ref: The page of Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru collects each members' blogs about Manga Brothers.

5 October 2009

Usamaru-san registered him to twitter

Though Usamaru-san still could not find the fun of twitter, but he didn't what useful and funny information are broadcasted to us at real time!
For example, today, he hired four drawing-assistants to help him but one of them delayed to come his studio even though he has many works such as drawing the cover illustration of the Osamu Makino's book, 4 frame manga POP STYLE for every Wednesdays Yomiuri news paper, and bow of Picasso etc. etc.

Please please continue your twittering!!

Ref: Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.10.04 twitter

Additional news for the last article about Tentai Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai 2. Shonen Shoujo Hyouryuki written/drawn as Usamaru-Otsuichi-Furuya will be re-issued as Bunko or paperback.

3 October 2009

The movie festival Tentai Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai 2 featuring two directors, Ami Sakurai and Hirotaka Adachi (Otsuichi) is being held at Shibuya Eurospace from 26 September to 9 October, though I didn't know till today! As like as previous festival, every day, both directors attend talk session after the movie with daily guests. And, they welcomed the Usamaru-san as a guest of Saturday 3 October. I met with him in elevator (lucky! :-)), dressed stylishly with checkered eyeglass frame, that created great interests of Ami in the talk session.

Adachi's Issyuki Monogatari was a highly developed works. I was impressed his compelling expression for a little story. On the other hand Ami's extemporaneously style shown in PLANETARIUM is not changed from her previous work. It makes her own pitch or speed and let us concentrate into the movie. Both directors has common characteristic for their own air / space, and ending that makes me delightful.

In the talk session, main theme was (of course?) the Usamaru-san. From his wedding, his acts in Noriko no Shokutaku and Ai no Mukidashi, or backyard story of Shonen Shoujo Hyouryuki, this comics was created by Usamaru-san and Otsuichi and so on.
At the last session held in the previous festival, Usamaru-san seems to be so nervous, but he was very relaxed at that night. The relaxed mood might have introduced the word from Adachi that he is calling his wife as "Sweets", derogatory term for the woman who is swayed by prevailing trends such as magazine featuring fashion, restaurants or sweets shop. Does Mamoru Oshii, the famous director and the father in law?

After the session, they appeared at the lobby to have a conversation with us and accept the request of signatures. I also met with Usamaru-san, and hoped he would direct the movie Litchi * Hikari Club as his wish. The festival will be finished at the Friday 6 October.

From left to right, Tomoyasu Nakatani (main actor of PLANETARIUM), Ami Sakurai, Usamaru-san and Hirotaka Adachi (Otsuichi).

Ref : Tentai Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai 2
Ref : Ami Sakurai Official Blog KYANOS-BLUE / 2009.10.04 article
Ref : From previous Otsuzakura Gakuensai, 2007/06/14 article in this web site

2 October 2009

The Piereccing HOUSE of misa 26-ji won the first place in the ranking of VillageVanguard's most popular CD/DVD. Congratulations! Of course the contents-self was good. Plus, the cover illustration of Usamaru-san must have helped it. Kyoko Abe, vocalist, said in her blog as The big reason of won is the cover illustration.

Ref : Piereccing HOUSE in the VillageVanguard online store
Ref : Kyoko Abe's Diary 2009/10/02
Ref : For more detail, see also article in the 2009/9/5

21 September 2009

I got the CD Piereccing HOUSE whose cover illustration was drawn by Usamaru-san. At the right corner round ad says "Original illustration drawn by Usamaru Furuya sensei of Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou". Internal booklet credits Usamaru-san as Art Direction (designer is Akane Iwamoto). It also includes the advertisement of Bunch Comics Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou and Ningen Shikkaku, or Usamaru-san's blog.

For more detail info about this CD, refer article at 5 September 2009 in this web site.

13 September 2009

The signature event of Genkaku Picasso (2) was held at Book First Shinjuku store, which was already reported in the Usamaru-san's blog. While drawing the Picasso on the first page of special sketch book (on its cover, (C)USAMARU FURUYA/SHUEISHA NOT ON SALE is printed), Usamaru-san said "It was too difficult to draw the character on the first page of the comic book. but this is easier than it :-)" as usual his soft voice. Another special present was real draft paper (as known as "Name") - mine was 32 & 33 pages of the vol.1. In the event room, the tall size Picasso was drawn on the white board that enable one can take the photo with him. A lot of real manuscripts were also arranged. Taking the photo seems to be OK. Thanks Shueisha!!

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.09.13 Thanks, everyone!

11 September 2009

Gathered recent Usamaru-san's works. First, he drew the cover illustration.

      Bankoku Kagakusha Zukan (Universal scientist picture guide)
      Edit & Author : Bankoku Kagaku Moe Kenkyukai / Supervisor : Miyuki Mitsuda / 1260 Yen / 2009/09
      PHP / ISBN:978-4569771915

Usamaru-san drew cover illustration only, not for the Moe characters in it. Hm.

In article at 5 June 2009, Usamaru-san said that he failed to go to the exhibition of Hiroyuki Asada. Is there any relations to it? Usamaru-san drew the illustration for the magazine style book of Tegamibachi.

      Tegamibachi Handbook
      Author: Hiroyuki Asada / 780 Yen / 2009/10
      Shueisha / ISBN:9784088748313

And last, Manga Erotics F vol.59 which serializes Innocents Shonen Jujigun was released at 7 September. Special is Tribute to the Aoi Hana. Usamaru-san also attended this tribute to the manga of "The briskest lesbian in the history(by Akemi Matsunae)". I want to see his illustration in hurry.

5 September 2009

Nanako from Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou will be on the jacket illustration of new CD Piereccing HOUSE, omnibus covered album from visual-kei groups, but arranged as soft house music style. The CD will be released from misa 26ji project, which composed by track production SmileR, and vocal Kyoko Abe.
Track 1 is the Romance from PENICILLIN, which might be the relation to Manga Brothers, and others are from major visual-kei bands, too.
The CD will be sold at VillageVanguard only. Privilege of first order is the guitar pick designed with Sodom-kun, the doll Nanako is holding. I want to get it, of course, but the real doll suits to VillageVanguard products.
By the way, the background shop of Nanako is the main shop of VillageVanguard located in Aichi. From her fashion, it must be the day of groupie, or before the big earthquake. So, it means this hand is not Jin's :-)

Piereccing HOUSE by Misa 26ji

23 September 2009 on sale
Price : 1,980 Yen(w/o tax 1,886 Yen) 

01. Romance/(PENICILLIN)
02. 1/3 no junjo na kanjo/(SIAM SHADE)
03. Just one more kiss/(BUCK-TICK)
05. Gekka no Yasoukyoku/(MALICE MIZER )
06. Shonen/(Kuroyume)
07. MAD SKY-Koutetsu no Kyuseishu −/(Pierrot)
08. -I'll-/(Dir en grey)
09. Melty Love/(SHAZNA)
() original artist
Privilege : Sodom-kun Pick

Ref : misa26ji site, you can listen the sample.
Ref : VillageVanguard / VillageVanguard online store
Ref : Smile R (MySpace), Track production
Ref : Kyoko Abe Official Web Site, vocal
Ref : CCRE, production

4 September 2009

Genkaku Picasso (2) is now on sale. I like the drawings of Hishida-kun's episode, and contents of Sakura-sans episode of "U ME WA KA NA O"! Simple message but direct one for me. The large number of pages such as 292 pages pulled me into the book, though the smaller page than original magazine size a little frustrated ...
Anyway, this book offers the special sketch book present, that will be the same one that signature event held in Book First Shinjuku shop provides. 100 people only. The advertise band of book includes the application ticket. You should buy it at *real* bookstore because you cannot confirm whether the advertise band included or not at the net store. Close date is Monday, 5 October 2009, as indicated by the postmark on the envelope.

Monthly Jump Square October issue is also on sale. The base character of Yuhto-kun must be Usamaru-san... Litchi fun should notice the Litchi * Host Club at the beginning page.
The word of Usamaru-san at the end of magazine is "Picasso vol.2 includes bonus pages at the end. Please read it and buy!". For detail of bonus pages, refer Usamaru-san's blog.

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.09.01 Usamaru Furuya Signature Event!

25 August 2009

Comic Bunch Manga Taisho (Prize) Vol.6 (2009 Summer) begun its acceptance, and the main judge is Usamaru-san.
The top prize money is 1M Yen and promised its appearance in the magazine and making a comic book.
Closed date is 30 September 2009 as indicated by the postmark on the envelope.

Usamaru-san's word : I will be on duty of judge, this time. The talent is not easily developed. I will carefully observe and notice each swelling buds and find one(s) will take big flower in the future. Please dedicate all your strength.

Ref : Comic Bunch Manga Taisho, Vol.6 (2009 Summer) (Click Manga Prize at the top page)

7 August 2009

The signature event will be held for release of Genkaku Picasso (2). Following article is quoted from Ad page of book shop.

--- Begin ---
Usamaru Furuya's signature event for the release of Genkaku Picasso (2) and Jump Square October issue
Place : Book First Shinjuku store 1F Event space in the Blue Square Cafe
Date & Time : 2pm - 4pm, Saturday, 12 September 2009
Our waiting book Genkaku Picasso vol.2, which appears in magazine Jump SQ will be released soon. In celebration of it, we will have the author Usamaru Furuya-sensei's signature event. To attend it, buy two books, Genkaku Picasso vol.2 (Shueisha, 580 Yen) and Jump SQ October issue (Shueisha, 500 Yen) at the Book First Shinjuku store B1F D-zone cashier from Friday 4 September. Top 100 people can receive the ticket for the event.

NOTE: Usamaru-sensei will sign on the special sketch book, not on the any books including Genkaku Picasso.
--- End ---

Here, special sketch book is Genkaku Picasso X maruman special collaboration sketch book. It is created only for this signature event and has Picasso and Chiaki on the surface of popular sketch book Design series (see above).

Monthly magazine Jump Square September issue is now on sale. I thought Usamaru-san's manga was filled with respects to the Disney and felt no problem even if the Disney Land or Mickey Mouse were appeared in this story... It must be too difficult for their strict copyrights. The main theme of this manga seems to be relating to the recent interview of Usamaru-san.

Usamaru-san's word at the end of magazine says "The last year, Easter Island will have total eclipse of the sun. I want to go..." So, how about the total medical body check, he received the last month??

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.08.04 Latest news, anyway
Ref : Book First Event : Celebration the release of Genkaku Picasso vol.2 and Jump SQ October issue, Usamaru Furuya-sensei's signature event!
Ref : maruman CO., LTD

31 July 2009

On Every Thursday Midnight, the TV animation Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 is on the air. This animation credits Usamaru-san's Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou as a reference material. This is "reference" not "base". It means the story or characters are completely different from Usamaru-san's work. Hm. Why don't they make animation based on it?
Accidentally, this title Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 is the title of French edition of Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou. You can see the cover image at 2009/7/14 news in this page.

Ref: Staff and Cast in Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 official web site

26 July 2009

You can read the Usamaru-san's interview appeared in the Jump Square July 2009 issue online. The attached photographs are in color!


25 July 2009

The movie Evangelion:2.0 is really really heating up.
## You might think that "Why Evangelion, again? Why don't Japanese find other new animations?" and I thought definitely so before the movie watching. But, trust me. This is great!
Usamaru-san also had a relationship with Eva. I've introduced this article at the release of Evangelion:1.0, but let me reminds you. The one different thing from that time is Allenglion (is it correct spelling?) in Genkaku Picasso.

You will see this illustration at GAINAX NET's Top page gallery (2004 Nov.).
Ref. Usagi * Hitori Club "Evangelion:1.0"(2007.09.06)

20 July 2009

These articles are follows of Usamaru-san's blog articles

Congratulations! Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru got the prize of Kids Design Award, the third, held by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
This books is not only the first publish from Manga Brothers but also seems to be the beginning of big project. It already executed the reading event in the kindergarten school, and has some plans. Each member of Manga Brothers (Usamaru-san, HAKUEI-san and Nori-san) has own blog and tells about this book and Manga Brothers. The page of Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru consolidates above blog in one table. Please check it, though not translated yet :-(
By the way, what company is "Big Star, company with limited liability" in the name of applicant? Google finds the company for the engineering contractor located in Kagoshima but another company, I think ...

Next news. Usamaru-san will have a seminar in the summer school at Myojo Gakuen, his old school. "Let's learn with joy in our public workshop! Summary classroom 2009 held by Myojo Gakuen" is the name of event and will have the Usamaru-san's talk session with other two ladies and one class "Let's draw the manga". Unluckily, it had reached maximum enrollment, though it is tough work to draw the manga immediately before Usamaru-san...

Course D (10am - 12pm, Sunday, 9 September)
D01: Talk session of graduates: My Expression with Myojo Gakuen
    [Junior high school Students][Adult] 150 people
    Speaker: Usamaru Furuya [Cartoonist], Taiko Nakajima [Novelist], Miako Tadano [Actress, Movie Director, Screenwriter]
    Talk session held by three graduates who actives in the front line of Cartoonist or Novelist. They will talk how did the experience and education of the Myojo Gakuen effect them and bind their expression and thoughts.

Course E(1pm - 3pm, Sunday, 9 August)
E02: Let's draw the manga
    [Elementary School Students (low)][Elementary School Students (high)][Junior high school Students][Adult] 20 people
    Instructor: Usamaru Furuya (Cartoonist)
    Students will draw 4 frame manga, and have an appreciation each other. You don't need the experience of drawing the manga.

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.07.16 Kids Design Award, Various status
Ref : Myojo Gakuen - Summer School

14 July 2009

I noticed the French edition of Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (left image). The title is Tokyo Magnitude 8 and already has 3 volumes. I've ordered them with Comic Cue French edition at

Also, there are Chinese edition of Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou. I cannot have a contact with a publisher to get them. The title seems to be the direct translation and every five volumes were already published.

The URL of publishing company is Refer the full manga graphic on front page.

7 July 2009

News about serialization in magazines.

The Weekly Comic Bunch vol.31 serializing Ningen Shikkaku was released on 3 July 2009. The number of pages is 36 page!. Total number of pages of magazine is 326 page. It means 10% > of magazine was occupied by Usamaru-san :-) The word of Usamaru-san at the end of magazine is "I'll do my best for the volume 2 with refreshed mind". This sequel will be the first episode of second comic book and has the scene of Usamaru-san, as the role of clown. In original novel, the novelist Dazai and main character Yohzoh are synchronized in many aspects. How about the relation between Yohzoh and Usamaru-san?

Jump Square August 2009 issue which serializes Genkaku Picasso is on sale at 4 July 2009.
The word of Usamaru-san at the end of magazine is "I'll go to complete medical checkup.". I hope nothings are found.

This month is odd number month and Manga Erotics F vol.58 which serializes Innocents Shonen Jujigun will be released. From F Editor's blog, the publisher Ohta Publishing Corp. re-printed Litchi Hikari Club and Jisatsu Circle. Hm. How many times was Litchi re-printed!?

13 June 2009

I went to the signature event for the release of Ningen Shikkaku (1). As usual, Usamaru-san had a warm conversation and kindly shake hands with each fun. I received his signature with the illustration of Yohzoh, the main character, and had a nervous conversation with Usamaru-san ^_^;
In this event, the top 50 person received Usamaru-san's real draft paper (as known as "Name") - mine was 130 & 131 pages of the book - and everyone received original poster made by Weekly Comic Bunch editors Enokidani-san and Yamamoto-san. The quality of this poster is amazing and very large (A3 size). This event totally felt me the passion and enthusiasm of Shinchosha for Usamaru-san's work by this poster and so many stuffs.

At the side stage, Usamaru-san's hand drawn manuscripts were exhibited. Although his manuscripts always impress me, especially pencil draws used by 4B (?) pencil as like as Genkaku Picasso deeply moved me. It is difficult to find such soft share and shadow, and depth in printed magazine or books. In the manuscripts, two pages were came from the coming magazine in the next month. Usamaru-san's word : Only for this signature event. Even my editor has not yet seen. Attendee, Did you notice?

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.06.14 Thank you everyone attended the signature event!

9 June 2009

I got the ticket of the signature event for the release of Ningen Shikkaku (1) which will be held at Saturday, 13 June. 38 was my ticket number when I went to the bookstore one hour before its opening. Many huge and young funs remind me the previous event for the Flowers.

After the whole reading of the book, though I followed the serialization in magazine, my impression was just WABISHII or dreary than exhausted which I expected. It is truly based on the novel and successfully transformed to the comic with seemingly modern background. The Bitterly unhappiness of ladies (Misaki, and Ageha) got a superb results, and the effects of frame such as pencil drawing being used in Genkaku Picasso and composition, or inserted large texts also impressed me.

5 June 2009

The cover illustration of Weekly comic Bunch No.27 (5 June 2009 on sale) is Usamaru-san's Ningen Shikkaku. This is the second time cover and the first was No.10's.
The word of Usamaru-san at the end of magazine is "Signature event will be held at 13 June. For detail information, please refer the top page of serialization." The top page also has the advertisement of comic book release.

Monthly Jump Square July issue which has Genkaku Picasso is on sale, too.
Ornate frames based on pencil drawings which are much than usual pen drawings address the theme of gender identity disorder. Usamaru-san successfully handles this common theme with manga style such as Jeanne d'Arc or pop-out picture book. Young boys and girls are often drawn by Usamaru-san's late books, but it is also good such drawing of womanhood.

And, new book advertisement already it has

    Genkaku Picasso (2)
      Friday 4 September on sale from Shueisha

This issue also has 5 pages of Usamaru-san's interview as Direct questions to the manga master. There are nothing new if you are ardent reader of his blog Usagi * Hitori Club or comic books, but if not, it will be full of surprising. It is very funny that Honemaru Mikami who was mentioned in this interview as is wearing Gakuran or high school uniform for boys with back print of Konjo or Guts.
The name of interviewer is Shima(?) Kadokura. I don't know her but it is extremely good interview by her pre deep investigations and various questions to derive attractiveness of Usamaru-san. We should remember her name.
The word of Usamaru-san at the end of magazine is "I did not know the exhibition of Asada-sensei ... (cry)" Asada-sensei must be Hiroyuki Asada who is serializing Tegamibachi in the same Jump Square.
Ref : Honemaru Mikami's elegance life 2009/6/6 How to use Gakuran


Cover illustration of Ningen Shikkaku (1), which will be on store at Tuesday. 9 June, was released. Usamaru-san newly modified more than 10 pages to let it be complete.

Signature event for this release will be held. At that place, Usamaru-san's hand drawn manuscripts also will be exhibited. I've surprised its beauty.
Date : pm 2:00 - Sat. 13 June 2009
Place : Keibundo Shoten Kichijouji
People : 100 only
How to attend : Buy Ningen Shikkaku (1) at 9 June, and get tickets for the event. You cannot order it by phone
Contact : Tel 0422-79-5070

Ref : Weekly Comic Bunch Editor's Blog / 05/29: Usamaru Furuya Sensei Signature Event decided!!!
Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.05.28 Detail of Signature Event

28 May 2009

Signature event will be held at Kichijouji on Saturday, 13 June. Detail information is not yet released. Usamaru-san's blog will inform it later.
The release of Ningen Shikkaku must be its target because its release date is 9 June, and the Tamagawa Jousui where Dazai suicided exists.
Wait for a while with playing about no special present plan for the costume players only...

16 May 2009

New Book!

    Ningen Shikkaku (1) (No longer human)
      Release from Shueisha at June 2009 / ISBN:978-4107714862 / 540 Yen

It will get exhausted if I read it at one time...

15 May 2009

Weekly Comic Bunch is celebrating its 8th anniversary and has some special pages.
Usamaru-san is also sending the message to it.

"8 years have been passed since Bunch's brilliant start! I remembered that seriously worried about a entry to the manga prize of hundred million yen :-)
I wish Bunch continued outstanding success. And I will do my best to the end of Ningen Shikkaku"

8 May 2009

Nori, the third brother, is answering some questions relating to Manga Brothers at his blog.

Q : What stage or TV drama do you want to appear? (from erins-san)
A : Hm, I have so many ... How about this?
Works of the eldest brother's! For a stage, Litchi * Hikari Club. For a TV drama, now serializing Ningen Shikkaku or Pi. For a movie, Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou.
And, ask the music to the second brother... Hm. It sounds good!
I will talk them in a few days.

Q : Will Manga Brothers continue to work? How did you connect to others? (from Yukiko-san)
A : Of course we will continue. We will create the work even if it is per a year!
I was connected through the second brother (HAKUEI). The eldest brother(Usamaru) drew the cover art of the second brother's CD, and he introduced the third brother (me) and the 7 years has passed.

Q : The works of Manga Brothers is spreading out, it seems. What other plans do you have? (from Eri-san)
A : Many many things I have, but I will take things one day at a time. One idea is some variation with the second brother's music or works other than Natto Zamurai. We are talking with other people than Manga Brothers to make a shape. Please wait for a while!

Ref : Nori no Mori / 2009.05.03 GW special. My Reply(3) / 2009.05.06 GW special. My Reply(5) / 2009.05.07 GW special. My Reply(6)

1 May 2009

Magazine "Cosplay Note" No.3 (Graphic Corp) is now on sale, which has costume play photos of Litchi Hikari Club.

That was incredible performance photos that let me imagined the poster of the movie which are not being made yet. I was shocked by enthusiasm of each player and their likeness to the character of Litchi. Are they all really amateur? At the last page of magazine, it has report of Usamaru-san's surprise visit in the studio.

Special features of this magazine is "Serious Weapon Features!!". They are hand making the weapons for the costume play, and ... yes, incredible quality. The reality is that everything is unknown and incredible. I knew web site Cure in this magazine for the first time. That is another world.
By the way, is manga artist Tamami Myo(?) in this magazine Tamami Kyo who is staff writer of Usamaru-san?

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.02.19 visit to see the Litchi costume play
Ref : Cosplay Notes No.3 (The page in the amazon)

30 April 2009

Publisher Ohta Publishing Corp. re-printed Litchi Hikari Club and Jisatsu Circle. If you have an experience not to be able to buy those books in recently, you should retry it, on amazon, for example.
Ref : F editors' blog Re-print information after a long absence (2009.4.21)

Manga Brothers who published Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru started their own project. Please refer Nori, the third brother's blog in detail. Also refer the below consolidated page.
Ref : The page of Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru in this web site

5 April 2009

On 4 April 2009, Usamaru-san got married at Sannoh Hie Jinja at Akasaka. Congratulations!!
Wedding gift was "Genkaku Picasso" Wedding Version (Refer the below link of Nori no mori). Hm. I want to see the contents.

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / 2009.04.05 I got married!
Ref : Nori no Mori / 2009.04.05 My eldest brother, married!

3 April 2009

Ningen Shikkaku Episode 3 was released on Weekly Comic Bunch vol.18 in 2009.
The story was dramatically changed, the life of Yohzoh was completely changed. The calculated relations between the women feel him loneliness.
The word of Usamaru-san at the end of magazine is "Corteo of Cirque du Soleil was wonderful!" ...

28 March 2009

The interview of Usamaru-san about Ningen Shikkaku is appeared in Weekly Comic Bunch Editors' Blog . The date was immediately before Episode-2 release. With the photo of Dazai's gravestone, he talks about basic idea research, art school as a background, determination to this work. He said he read all Dazai's works at high school days.
Weekly Comic Bunch that which serializes Ningen Shikkaku Episode 3 will be on sale at the next Friday 3 April 2009.

Ref : Weekly Comic Bunch Editors' Blog 02/11 Ningen Shikkaku

27 March 2009

"Bungei Bessatsu -Special Edition- Sensha Yoshida" (Kawade Shobo Shinsha / 1143YEN + TAX / ISBN978-4-309-97718-8) is on sale. Many many famous mangakas attending this book and tell us about Sensha's personality and his unexpected wide relations. Among articles, Rieko Saibara was the best saying "Sensha is the #1 mangaka in Japan who can draw junior high school boy with pimple". Usamaru-san remade the Utsurundesu. with his touch. Laughed. The relation between Usamaru-san and Sensha-san is not so famous. But Sensha-san drew the girl at If ... in Happiness. Also, Usamaru-san wrote the blog article about wedding party of Sensha-san and Rica Itoh.

Ref: Usagi * Hitori Club 2007.10.22 Big Couple!

21 March 2009

Already Manga Erotics F vol.56 is on store, which serializes Innocents Shonen Jujigun two episodes, total 56 pages !
After a feud with Jugo, the journey of Children's Crusade became terrible. On it, they meet Isabel, and ...
At a signature event in SHIBUYA TSUTAYA, attendee who are doing costume play of Middle Ages could receive memorial goods. One of goods was character setting table of Innocents Shonen Jujigun and introduced Isabel, already. I hope good changes occur on Etienne

Jump Square April 2009 issues which serializes Genkaku Picasso is on sale.
Deferred episode about love between Manba and Kotone is the main subject. Always they seems to be half-hearten in previous story or comics vol.1, but now changed into literally flesh-and-blood characters. The story was dramatically synchronized with setting of huge robot Allenglion. very impressed.

Usamaru-san's message at the last page of the magazine is "Please read 4 frame manga serialized in Yomiuri Shinbun evening paper, too". This means "POP-kun" in the corner "Pop-Style". You may order on line the Yomiuri Shinbun evening paper. Refer: How to buy Yomiuri Shinbun evening paper

28 February 2009

Ningen Shikkaku Episode 2 "Twisted Face" was released on Weekly Comic Bunch vol.13 in 2009 (28 February 2009 on sale) with colored top page.

The word of Usamaru-san at the end of magazine is "Zeni zura (It's money) is in the habit of saying, now." ...

15 February 2009

The number of episodes of Genkaku Picasso which has been serializing in the monthly magazine Jump Square was initially planned eight, but stretched.
It is the proof of acceptance by Jump readers. Simply it is the victory of fun, I think so. Making this manga seems to be tough work especially for drawing and scenario. I hope Usamaru-san can continue this good work.

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club 2009.02.14 Number of episode of Picasso

11 February 2009

I've read the articles of Usamaru-san's talking with Taro Igarashi and BOSE in monthly magazine Brain March 2009.
Already the part of it was introduced in below news, and the rest part was occupied with Usamaru-san's episode. The cosplay of Litchi Hikari Club was also introduced (Who did buy it 9 volumes :-) ), but the reading point is surprising words of Usamaru-san about the future of manga publishing.
I had to re-think about the life of paper media. It is too fast to finish it's life than I think... At the end of Flowers, Usamaru-san implicitly mentioned about it, but the reality is more concrete. The day when Usamaru-san publish the manga from his PC direct will be coming soon.

8 February 2009

The serialization of Ningen Shikkaku has begun from Weekly Comic Bunch vol.10 in 2009 (6 February 2009 on sale)
Magazine company is also pushing this serialization as cover of magazine, top pages in color and special column "Why is Ningen Shikkaku now?" The manga deserves one's expectation! Usamaru-san appeared in the manga with natural style and the story begins and ... The story and drawings impressed me so much. I am exciting about the prospects for the next serialization. You should note that this manga is serialized once a month though Bunch is weekly magazine, and the next serialization will be on vol.13 (27 February 2009 on sale).

The word of Usamaru-san at the end of magazine is "No longer human Usamaru backed to the Bunch. Hello, again!"
Hm. Does it mean the Holy Trinity of Dazai, Yohzoh and Usamaru-san ... ?

You can read original Dazai's "Ningen Shikkaku" by free at the online archive site Aozora Bunko

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club 2009.02.06 The serialization of Ningen Shikkaku starts
Ref : Aozora Bunko Osamu Dazai Ningen Shikkaku

4 February 2009

Jump Square March 2009 issues which serializes Genkaku Picasso is now on sale.
It bundles supplement of "Jump Comics Cover with Genkaku Picasso illustration" (below right picture). As Usamaru-san's word at the last page of the magazine "Vol.1 is now on sale! It was my dream, the Jump Comics! Please buy it!", the comic book of Genkaku Picasso was also released. Below left figure is the advertisement of it.
From Usamaru-san's blog, the Picasso's drawings are really drawn by Usamaru-san on the sketchbook with 2B pencil, as I guessed so!!


Ref: Usagi * Hitori Club  2009.02.03 Pencil drawing

1 February 2009

Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.9 in 2009 (30 January 2009 on sale) advertises "Ningen Shikkaku". It is only seven days away till the serialization. For the first time, I think, it has a credit of "original idea from Osamu Dazai's". In Japanese manga world, "Gennan (original idea from)" and "Gensaku (based on the story of)" are definitely different. "Gennan (original idea from)" means that the settings or characters were influenced by that, when manga was written. On the other hand, "Gensaku (based on the story of) is the synopsis of the movie, manga artist, like a movie director draws the manga based on the synopsis. In many case, manga artist will decide each frame design, but "Gensaku" person write it (, and manga artist can concentrate on drawing). If you have a interest, refer the Takekuma memo's About NAME Gensaku of Bakuman

J'ai l'extase et j'ai la terreur d'e^tre choisi. Paul Verlaine
The memorial work for 100th anniversary of Osamu Dazai, Ningen Shikkaku (No Longer Human) original idea from Osamu Dazai's Ningen Shikkaku.
The beauty man Yohzoh Ohba must be crown to communicate with people so that he has perverse mentality. Though he was the man who could not have a clue what is the human life, he found the turning point when he meets Masao Horiki who also plays crown in art pre-school.

It brought to the light on the seriousness of the threat of human being by changing the set in the modern day from original book that was sold over 6 million copies of Shincho Bunko edition. Osamu Dazai who is supported over the century and Usamaru Furuya who continuous draws new sensed works. Watch out for chemical reaction when two Genius are fused.

30 January 2009

This is summary of "Usamaru Week" that begins from tomorrow.

Sat 31/Jan Monthly magazine "Brain" March on sale. Usamaru-san talks with Taro Igarashi, architectural historian and BOSE, musician.
Release of movie Ai no Mukidashi directed by Shion Son, which features Usamaru-san.
Wed 4/Feb "Genkaku Picasso vol.1" on sale
Jump Square March on sale, which bundles supplement of "Jump Comics Cover with Genkaku Picasso illustration"
Yomiuri Shinbun evening paper on sale which serializes POP-kun in Pop-Style page.
Fri 6/Feb Weekly Comic Bunch 2009 vol.10 on sale. Ningen Shikkaku begins. Illustration of magazine has it, too.

In the monthly magazine "Brain" March 2009 (Senden Kaigi / 31 January 2009 / 1070 Yen), Usamaru-san is talking with architectural historian, critic Taro Igarashi and musician BOSE, Schadaraparr.
The title is "Aoyama Design Meeting : "Beyond expectation" becomes a sleeper hit!? - seek a turning point between major and minor
You can see sample page on Web site of Senden Kaigi. Please click the right image. You must have Adobe Reader so that the sample page is PDF contents.

29 January 2009

One more book that Usamaru-san wrote illustration.
    Nankyoku (Hito) (South Poll (Man))
    by Natsuhiko Kyogoku
    Shueisha / 15 December 2008 / ISBN 978-4-7572-1597-9 / 1680 Yen

I've not yet seen this book but guess Usamaru-san is co-working with Kyogoku-san on one of short story in this omnibus novel. Other illustrators are Osamu Akimoto, Fujio Akatsuka and so on.

28 January 2009

Usamaru-san drew illustration of a paperback. What a cute girl!

   Kuro Musume - Outsider Female
    by Osamu Makino
    Kodansha Bunko / 14 November 2008 / ISBN 978-4062761833 / 800 Yen

It seems to be newly re-drawn for the paperback edition from original Kodansha Novels edition published at 2003, which also had the Usamaru-san's illustration.
Left figure is the cover of paperback edition and right figure is the original edition.

And another new book has Usamaru-san's illustration. This is the latest book from "Shakaiha-kun ga iku" series.

    Shakaiha-kun ga iku! Dotou edition
    by Shunichi Karasawa and Hyakuroh Murasaki
    Aspect / 3 January 2009 / ISBN 978-4-7572-1597-9 / 1680 Yen

From Editor's message:
(cut) We asked Mr.Usamaru Furuya to draw powerful girl who can against to the random killing which is imagined from the Akiba case. Mr.Usamaru says this girl is sending the mail on her cell phone as "I am going to battle".

27 January 2009

The Hanildoh Korea Entertainment Book Store sent me the Palepoli Hangeul edition that I had ordered. The cover illustration image I saw in online bookstore was not so good and worried about its quality but it was needless fear. It is complete. Beautiful printing. Amazing re-touch quality of color pages and drawn letter (every letters are Hangeul. Refer the translator's blog ). And so many footprint to explain about Japanese culture, though I cannot read ;-( I always accept it but had big interests to advertisement band, so asked the translation to foreign student from Korea, Kim-san. > Thanks!!

advertisement band (front):
Selected in "Must read before you die 50 mangas" (funny Japanese manga odyssey)
Serialized in the legendary manga magazine "Garo"
Usamaru Furuya's most powerful and the best debut work!
Overwhelming techniques and sophisticated and incisive sense of humor!!

advertisement band (back):
Attention : Sales to people under the age of 19 are banned!
Humorless, inflexible person should avoid this book!
This manga over the bounds of common sense.

Advertisement in front is based on the original edition published by Ohta Publishing, I think. The warning in back is good or funny. I am wondering how many Korean knows the "Garo", though advertisement uses the word "legend". Anyway, what are the remaining 49 mangas that I must read before my death!!

Ref: The Hanildoh Korea Entertainment Book Store
Ref: Translator's blog

26 January 2009

Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.8 in 2009 (23 January 2009 on sale) advertises new serialization of "Ningen Shikkaku" on double spread pages.

Dazai's best known work is backed to the present day by Usamaru -Genius- Furuya.
The memorial work for 100th anniversary of Osamu Dazai, Ningen Shikkaku (No Longer Human) by Usamaru Furuya X Osamu Dazai
The long-awaited new release of Usamaru Furuya after gaining popularity in Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou. Its serialization will begin from Weekly Comic Bunch vol.10 in 2009 with Usamaru's cover illustration and has colored top pages!!
"I have been a shamed life. I am not able to have a clue what is the human life. ..."
The beauty man Yohzoh Ohba, who interact with people only in the play of crown. What will be happened in further his distorted adolescence? Usamaru Furuya gives a full-length portrait of Ningen Shikkaku, set in the modern day!!

23 January 2009

New Manga Erotics F vol.55 is on store now, which serializes Innocents Shonen Jujigun. Playtime was over. The story was changed rapidly and entered into dark and long and terrible journey. Do I want to read or not? Hm.
By the way, the cover illustration of the F is Ranze in Tokimeki Tonight (drawn by Lilly Hoshino. Original author is Koi Ikeno). That takes me back somewhere sometime.

New Serialization!! Already Usamaru-san's blog introduced,

    Ningen Shikkaku (No Longer Human)
      from Weekly Comic Bunch (Shinchosha) vol.10 (6 February 2009 on sale). It will serialize once a week.

The memorial work for 100th anniversary of Osamu Dazai. The long-awaited new release of Usamaru -well-qualified manga artist- Furuya after gaining popularity in Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou. For more information, wait for the continuous advertisements!! (from ad page of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.7 in 2009 (16 January 2009 on sale).

In many cases, Usamaru-san makes plan of his works by himself, though this plan must be made some its magazine's editor. What a wonderful matching!
As an base policy of this web site, no other illustration than Usamaru-san's are not used but this is exception. Ningen Shikkaku Shueisha Bunko edition is introduced because its cover illustration was drawn by Takeshi Obata whom Usamaru-san had a dialogue with. This illustration influenced to the young people and became it to the best selling book.

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club New manga Ningen Shikkaku (2009.01.26)

8 January 2009

New Book!

    Genkaku Picasso vol.1 (Mind-bending Picasso)
      Wednesday, 4 February 2009 by Shueisha. 540Yen (Tax included) ISBN:978-4088746395

I thought it will be published as single volume, but separated into two volumes, and each has 4 episodes. The book size, I think, should be larger than usual Jump Comics to show details of Usamaru-san works (really drawn by 2B pencil?), but don't know. Jump Square February 2009 issue which serializes Genkaku Picasso is now on sale.
From the Usamaru-san's word at the end of magazine : "This year, I want to have much exercises. How about dance?". Also editor's comment says "Usamaru-sensei never release the Novo Nauru Spray (Throat Spray)"
The next month issue bundles supplement of "JC Cover with Genkaku Picasso illustration". Buy it, though don't know what does "JC" mean.
(After this article written, I knew JC means Jump Comics).

30 December 2008

Palepoli Hangeul edition was published in Korea. Thanks for info > Kim-san
Even different company releases, Korean seems to be doing good job as usual. The cover design has the same image and format, even advertisement band is wrapping the book (What does it mean?). The jokes in Palepoli is hardly dependent on Japanese manga or culture and its translation seems to be very tough work. So how about the result?

By the way, Pi Hangeul edition, which was published by Seoul Media Group stopped its publishing at vol.7. I hope they will publish the rest two volumes but the last volume's that character may hesitate doing so...

Ref: The Hanildoh Korea Entertainment Book Store

29 December 2008

The release date of movie Ai no Mukidashi featuring Usamaru-san was decided.
From Saturday 31 January 2009 at Eurospace and others. For more detail, please refer official site.

20 December 2008

Usamaru-san's father has passed.
From the interview in Taira na Jidai or Flowers, he made a opportunity Usamaru-san to touch ga manga and influenced his forming by various interests such as music or movie. If something happened in past, he must be a kind of creator in some culture scene. May his soul rest in peace.

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club Notice (2008.12.21)

06 December 2008

I know Usamaru-san's blog about mixi (Japanese SNS) new year postal card service provides the option of illustration drawn by Usamaru-san. Refer the page of mixi new year postal card service (, Select Design-Illustration tab in Template, and Click 8 or 9. You will see eleven Usamaru-san's illustration. This is a MUST-BUY! Total cost is just 98 Yen / 1 cards x 11 cards = 1,078 Yen. Of course, I will send them to me :-)

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club Mixi New Year Postal Card Service (2008.11.28)

6 December 2008

The signature event for release of Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru. was held at Seijo store of Sanseido shoten. When I knew this event after the all tickets were given away and could not attend it :-( From the Usamaru-san's blog, many HAKUEI funs seemed to visit the event. Yes, if I see this book at amazon, "People who bought this book is also buying" recommend only PENICILLIN works. HAKUEI is too popular.

I remembered one thing. Last year, I received the mail from HAKUEI FUN. He (or She?) was Russian! It says "I thought Manga Brothers is consist of Usamaru and HAKUEI. But I saw the blog that says Norihisa Hiranuma is also the Manga Brothers. Is it True or Not?" I was too surprised.
About the signature event, refer the third person of Manga Brothers, "Nori"'s blog.

Ref : Forest of Nori(Norihisa Hiranuma's blog) Report of the signature event (bomb...) (2008.12.6) and Sorry ...(2008.12.7)

4 December 2008

Jump Square January 2009 issues which serializes Genkaku Picasso is now on sale.
The sister of Akane feels the complex to Akane and has desire to suicide ...
The word of Usamaru-san at the end of magazine is "I am cleaning up my cell phone every day because I've heard that it is dirty than the seat of toilet". Hm.

23 November 2008

Usamaru-san lectured about "Methodology about idea of expression" in Sokei Academy of Fine Art & Design.
Date : Saturday 22 November 2008
Time : 1pm - 4pm

If I knew it...

22 November 2008

And, Manga Kyodai (Manga Brothers) publishes a book. It is Picture book!

    Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru (I am Mametaro, the Natto Samurai)
        ISBN 978-4344015890 / B5 size / 64 pages
        2008/11/25 / 1260 Yen (tax included) / Gentosha

Manga Kyodai (Manga Brothers) is
"the unit consists of Usamaru - first son, HAKUEI (PENICILLIN) - second son and Nori - third son, though may accept anyone depending on the activity. In the past, they designed the PENICILLIN's official goods." (from Keywords to know Usamaru-san)

Norihisa Hiranuma also known as Nori's blog : "Nori's Forest" tells me something about their work but couldn't imagine the publishing of picture book... The book designer is chutte, of course.

Ref: Usagi * Hitori Club Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru (2008.11.22)

The signature event for this release will be held.
Date : Saturday 6 December 2008
Time : 6pm -
Place : Seijo store of Sanseido shoten
Number of tickets : First 100 people
How to get the tickets : When you buy "Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru" (27 Nov. on sale) at the Seijo store, you can get the ticket for the signature event. You may pre-order the book (and ticket) by phone.
Contact : Phone 03-5429-2401 10am - 9 pm
Ref : Sanseido Web site

21 November 2008

New Book! The out-of-stock book was reprinted from another company.

    Jisatsu Circle (Suicide Circle)
        ISBN 978-4778320713 / A5 Size / 168 pages
        20 November 2008 / 1000 YEN (including tax) / Ohta Publishing Corp.

This book was originally released from One Two Magazine-sha Inc. at 2002, in step with the release of movie "Jisatsu Circle" (directed by Shion Sono), but continued to sell out for a long time. Now new book will be out after the publishing company change to Ohta Publishing Corp., renewal of Cover and book design, and almost all pages are redrawn.

6 November 2008

Jump Square December 2008 issue which serializes Genkaku Picasso is on sale. It has 56 pages volume and locales in the middle of magazine with colored top page. Back page of it is character introduction as "Anatomy of Picasso world". I think Usamaru-san does not touch this work so much ...

Usamaru-san's message at the last page of the magazine is "I went to Singapore to have a fun." Also, the Honemaru Mikami, who was called from Usamaru-san at the last month says "I am spending sleepless night, too, because of Usamaru Furuya sensei." :-)

The December 2008 issue is presenting the colored papers in serializing manga writers' own hands as 1 year anniversary of magazine to the lucky readers. Of course, Usamaru-san's Genkaku Picasso's illustrated paper is in the list. Only one reader. Let's appreciate!

1 November 2008

The signature event for Innocents Shonen Jujigun release was held at SHIBUYA TSUTAYA.
I also tried costume play for the memorial goods... but how smart and beautiful people in there!! I wanted to take a photo if permitted.

I will report the detail of event and special goods for the attendee and costume player after the event will be held in Kobe at 8 November.
But, let me say one thing. Do costume play even if you hates! The special goods were wonderful. >> attendee in Kansai

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club I am home! (2008.11.01)
Ref : F editors' blog Tomorrow is the signature event! (2008.10.31)

25 October 2008

Manga Erotics F vol.54 will have special feature of Usamaru Furuya! From the Amazon's introduction ...

Usamaru Furuya Special Feature. Total 36pages!! Ken Obata will also appear!!
  • Long Dialogue : Ken Obata X Usamaru Furuya, 13 pages!
  • Ultra special W collaboration pinups! Litchi Hikari Club drawn by Ken Obata & Bakuman drawn by Usamaru Furuya.
  • Special drawn 4 frame manga for this magazine "Keikohsho no Tsunekawa-kun (Tsunekawa-kun in the Keiko elementary school)" & "Innocents Tabi Nikki (Trip Diary for Innocents)" Total 12 pages.
  • Usamaru Furuya WORKS
  • character popularity vote
  • …and more!
Above introduction seems to be the special feature volume of Ken Obata, anyway, anyway. Editor says "This volume must be sold out!!". Yes, this is the advertisement word of Editor as usual, but the F vol.40 that appeared "Tsunekawa-kun no Nichijo (Common Life of Tsunekawa)" was bought over 10,000 Yen at net auction. Editor's word may be true. Check it out!
Ref : F editors' blog Cover art image of F Vol.54! (2008.10.22)

23 October 2008

At SHIBUYA TSUTAYA, signature event for the release of Innocents Shonen Jujigun will be held.
Gee, again, special goods for costume player only...

Date & Time : 2pm Saturday 1 November 2008
Place : SHIBUYA TSUTAYA (Tokyo) B1 Floor
How to attend : Ticket will be passed when you buy Innocents Shonen Jujigun Vol.1 , which will be released at 22 October.
Presented goods : Original Innocents Shonen Jujigun paper drawn for this event. Plus, you can get special goods, if you attend with costume play of crusade (sword, cloak etc.)
Contact : Tel 03-5459-2000
Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club - Information about signature event at Tokyo (2008.10.22)

17 October 2008

The signature event for the release of Innocents Shonen Jujigun will be held at Sannomiya store of Junkudo in Kobe. In Tokyo, it will be held at 1st November (no detail information, yet).

Date & Time : 3pm - Saturday, 8 November 2008
Place : 4th floor in Sannomiya store of Junkudo
Number of tickets : First 150 people
How to get the tickets : When you buy Innocents Shonen Jujigun vol.1 (22 Oct. on sale) at the Sannomiya store, you can get the ticket for the signature event. Before it, you can pre-order the book (and ticket) at the book store or by phone (078-392-1001). In case of pre-order, you must buy the book at the 2nd floor before the start time of the event.
Presented goods : Original Innocents Shonen Jujigun paper drawn for this event. Plus, you can get special goods, if you attend with costume play of crusade (sword, cloak etc.)
Contact : Tel 078-392-1001
Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club - Let's start from signature event information in Kansai (2008.10.15)
Ref : Junkudo event information

13 October 2009

New Book!

    Innocents Shonen Jujigun Vol.1 (Innocents Children's Crusade)
    ISBN 978-4778320683 / A5 size / 288 pages
    21 October 2008 / 1260 Yen (Tax is included) / Ohta Publishing Corp.

表紙デザインはおなじみの chutte さんです。以下、amazon の内容紹介より


Ref : うさぎ☆ひとりクラブ少年十字軍の表紙!(2008.10.14)


発売中の ダ・ヴィンチ 2008年 11月号 にて


というかムチャクチャ、ファンのようですね :)
参照: 三上骨丸の花麗なる生活2008/10/4「日記」

次回「マンガ・エロティクス f vol.54」古屋兎丸特集号(11/6発売)
なお、同誌には、 小畑さんの描く「ライチ☆光クラブ」のピンナップと、




参照 : うさぎ☆ひとりクラブぐううう(2008.09.29)



Thanks。 ちなみに彼女のブログ(ですが、


発売中の「マンガ・エロティクス f vol.53」(太田出版)から、何点かお知らせです。



    「インノサン少年十字軍 (上)」
    A5判 / 10月中旬 / 1200円 + 税(予価) / 太田出版

(1)巻でなく (上)巻。もうストーリーを最後まで見通していることが分かる巻数の付け方ですね(笑)。


    「自殺サークル 新装版」
    A5判 / 11月中旬 / 952円 + 税(予価) / 太田出版


そして次回「マンガ・エロティクス f vol.54」は古屋兎丸特集号です。
を開催しています。 プレゼントもあるそうですので、興味のある方は是非に。

参照 : うさぎ☆ひとりクラブ 古屋兎丸全作品キャラクター人気投票!(2008.09.13)
参照 : エフ編集部ブログ「古屋兎丸全作品キャラクター人気投票!」 (2008.09.13)

4 September 2008

The serialization of Genkaku Picasso was started from Jump Square October issue, today released. Top pages were colored, 72 pages.
It treats very serious theme in the mysterious mood and let me read in hurry. Pencil (?) drawings in it is very effective. And, (most importantly) this is very Jump manga.

This magazine introduces Usamaru-san's other works and himself in color pages as Editor says in the last page of magazine "Please touch Usamaru-sensei world in this chance! (Kosuge)". On Ad corners of each page were occupied by Usamaru-san's comics ad even if other publishers'. Shueisha ... or Jump Square is very good!! (and, the sense of selection to pick up Mayu Shinjo is good, too). 51 pages in the next month issue... Of course Usamaru-san already drew it :-)

Official site :

Notice for the present

Ref : 「ジャンプスクエア」10月号発売! 古屋兎丸先生による特製メッセージペーパープレゼント!


新連載 「幻覚ピカソ」を掲載する月刊ジャンプスクエア10月号は、9月4日発売です。

同誌 9月号の巻頭、巻末に出ていた予告をスキャンして掲載します。




また、Webサイト 「たのみこむ」にも、ライチ☆光クラブ関連で
いくつかアイデアが出ているようです。 画面上部の検索ボックスで
「光クラブ」と入力し、[検索] ボタンをクリックすると表示されます。


27 July 2008

The signature event for the release of Flowers - the book of paintings by Usamaru Furuya was held at Roppongi store of Aoyama Book Center. I could not go by another appointment ... :-(

From the Usamaru-san's blog, he seemed to draw the illustration according to the fun's requests, have a polite conversation and spend too much time than expected. He is Usamaru-san as usual.
Memorial present for this event was Usamaru paper. Plus, top 5 persons could receive original illustration drew only for this event. Congratulations!

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / Thank you very much, today!! (2008.07.27)
Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / Flowers - the book of paintings(2008.07.23)


10時に開店後は仕切りが素晴らしく、特に問題もなく購入 & 整理券 get。

内容は油絵作品と BUBKA の表紙絵が圧巻。


「岡崎京子 デビュー25周年記念読本」に、兎丸さんがお祝いの
メッセージを寄せられています。 その中では「読んだ後の放心状態は


15 2008/7/15

場所は青山ブックセンター六本木店。日時は7/27(日) 13:00〜ですが、
7/25(金) 10:00〜に画集を買った人先着70名に、サイン会整理券が配られるようです。
参照 : 青山ブックセンターの告知
参照 : うさぎ☆ひとりクラブサイン会のお知らせです〜(2008.07.15)

11 July 2008

Usamaru-san wrote cover illustration of a book.

    Tondemo Ongaku (Music) no Sekai
    By Togakkai + Alpha. Edited by Shunichi Karasawa
    Shogakukan Creative / 26 June 2008 / ISBN:978-4778037017 / 1785 Yen

Two men drawn in the cover must be Sugi-chan&Teppei who provide the music in the embedded CD and credited as "Music".

5 July 2008

New serialization!

    Genkaku Picasso (Mind-bending Picasso)
    Monthly Jump Square October issue (Beginning of September 2008 on sale)

Oh, its Jump!!

4 July 2008

New Book!

    Flowers - book of Usamaru Furuya's paintings -
    B5-size soft cover / 136 pages / end of July / 2520 Yen / Aspect

Followings are from introduction at the

The first complete illustration works of Usamaru Furuya, genius cartoonist at the 21 century!
From oil paintings to new drawing, not yet public shown illustration and not yet published manga ...
Only one genius cartoonist draws girls (and boys) beautifully brights in cruel world.
From new illustration of Litchi * Hikari Club and innocents Shonen Jujigun to Very long interview to Usamaru
Very beautiful and brightness.

Usamaru world full throttle
complete illustrations works
(almost) all colored!

兎丸ワールド全開の空前絶後の イラスト大全、登場です! (ほぼ)オールカラー!

* Contents
- Usamaru Furuya's oil paintings (public shown for the first time)
- Original illustrations those were drawn in various places (Shakaiha-kun ga iku! and others)
- Usamaru Furuya's characters (Pi, Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou and others)
- Newly drawn illustration of Litchi * Hikari Club and Innocents Shonen Jujigun
- Complete girls' illustration appeared in legend magazine Ura-Bubka
- Not yet published manga (Nacchan-chi, 1977 M)
- Usamaru Furuya Chronicle - 30,000 characters super long interview
... and others.Beautiful and marvelous, Usamaru Furuya full-throttle.

The size was smaller than my expected, but the price is so reasonable. I am so expected.



30 June 2008

The signature event will be held to celebrate the release of book of Usamaru-san's paintings.
Only one book shop in Tokyo will have it. Later, detail information should be released in his blog. Stay tuned.
Ref : Usagi Hitori * Club / Today is the good day for ★髪切り★hair cutting(2008.06.28)


都内1店舗のみ。 詳細は後日。楽しみですね。
Ref : うさぎ☆ひとりクラブ髪切日和(2008.06.28)

17 June 2008

Kim-san, who is the ★留学生★ Korean student in Japan told me about Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou Korean edition. # Kim-san, thank you the mail!
This was not published as a usual book, but on the Web only. She says that this style is rare case even in Korea.
The publisher is pico haouse korea. Japanese animation company seems to be founding it, but unknown. At least, it seems to be the officially licensed product. So, how can I get it from Japan?

By the way, Kim-san, the mail sender is writing about her favorite Japanese cartoonists on her blog. They are ★固有名詞の確認★ Suehiro Maruo, Asumiko Nakamura, Natsume Ono and Usamaru Furuya. Hm. No Japanese student can talk with you about comics, right?

書籍ではなく Web上でのみ公開のようで、このスタイルは韓国でもそれほど多くないとか。
出版社はpico haouse korea。日本のアニメ会社が


30 April 2008

From the Usamaru-san's blog, book of his paintings will be released at July or September. He says "Colored manga that was not included in any books or oil paintings drawn in my private time will be included". Wsamarus 2001 also had included many cover illustrations of other author's books or CD jacket illustrations, but this book seems to be shifted to illustrations or pictures than it.

Relating to it, Usamaru-san is accepting the idea of new color drawings about Litchi * Hikari Club and Innocents Shonen Jujigun only for that book. If you like them, apply now.

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club / I have requests to you(2008.04.29)

22 April 2008

Magazine F vol.51 which serializes Innocents Shonen Jujigun will be on sale at Thu. 8 May. The advertisement in the previous issue said "Shonen Jujigun (Children's Crusade) became a little bigger than ever. Then, unmatched harmony sounds from them". Hm. I have a bad feeling.

Another news. How many times is it? Litchi * Hikari Club was reprinted again. I didn't see the out of stock in bookshop's shelf, but if you couldn't find it recently, don't miss this chance.

Ref : F editor's diary / 22 April 2008 Cover of F vol.51

7 April 2008

Usamaru-san decided to create his own Web Site!!
It will be officially published at October 2008. What pages it has!? Many ideas seems to be collected. The URL is The right image is from today's top page.

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club Coming Soon! ...?(2008.03.20)

19 March 2008

The Yomiuri Shinbun( evening paper has the interview of Usamaru-san under the title of "Usamaru Encore Theater".
It says "Re-played one frame mangas of Usamaru Furuya san who has been serializing from the beginning of Pop Style and asked his thoughts.".
Usamaru-san is talking about collaboration with each essayist or his idea note for one frame manga. The editor person seems to be familiar with Usamaru-san by mentioning to Palepli.

10 March 2008

The serialization of Donki Kourin in Da Vinci has finished at current volume April 2008 issue. Good job for 11 years!! At the last episode, Usamaru-san self was appeared and Hibari-kun from Stop! Hibari-kun, too! The comics will be released soon.

8 March 2008

Manga Erotics F vol.50 is on store now, which serializes Innocents Shonen Jujigun. It has two episodes in one issue so that the release schedule of it (= bi-monthly) is too slow for Usamaru-san. Surprising thing is no unnecessary character exists in 12 apostles of Etienne. Each character advocates each opinion based on their thoughts.

This is the vol.50 anniversary issue. The cover illustration has naked girl drawn by Naoki Yamamoto, with the spread Manga Erotics F back numbers. We can see the vol.33 issue at the right bottom, which cover illustration is Litchi Hikari Club.
This issue's special feature is "Our Vita Sexualis". 75 mangaka answer the question about 'first Vita Sexualis'. Of course, Usamaru-san is answering his first Vita Sexualis with illustration. Editor of F says "Please read it even if you are comics preferrer than magazine".

Ref : Usagi * Hitori Club f the latest issue! (2008.03.07)
Ref : F editor's diary (6 March 2008) F Vol.50 carrying in!!

17 February 2008

Now creating Movies page to collect Usamaru's work for movie as original author, writer or actor. Also it will have illustration in the program or poster for the movie festival. At the same time, re-arranging other pages in the left menu, too.

15 February 2008

Information about Hangeul edition of Marie no Kanaderu Ongaku and Pi were added.
The quality of Taiwan edition surprised me, but it of Hangeul edition is over than it. Every characters in books were translated and retouched as like as original, and amazed me!! Great!!!

It was too difficult to get the books. I got the useful information from enjoyKorea and contacted to the publishing company's web site or large online book store without any reply :-(. Also Hangeul characters refused me to do machine translation. At last, I searched agents and picked up the most understandable agent to the comics culture (it seems so) : The Hanildoh Korea Entertainment Book Store.
k It was also good that they accepted credit card. Thank you very much. I will contact them again, if vol.8 and vol.9 of Pi will be released, though the dangerous character in vol.9 may trigger some trouble in Korea...

Ref: The Hanildoh Korea Entertainment Book Store

22 January 2008

Information about Pi Traditional Chinese edition was added here. To get these books and translate into English, I've got many many help from Jyubeh Yagyu. Thank you very much. After some google, I found his blog ( and asked in a unilateral way but he kindly respnded to me. The fact was he is so famous person and was very busy to hold the big event at the end of, and the beginning of year... Thank you again!

By the way, amazon has Chinese edition as like as other contries but nothing hit for the keyword Usamaru. Why? Also the publisher Tongli Publishing Co., Ltd. never responded to my request or question form. I was noticed by Jyubeh that the company wouldn't ship their products to the oversea. Hm. It is too sad, because they are publishing many Japanese manga... Isn't there no requirements from oversea??

14 January 2008

Donki Kourin, which was serialized in Da Vinci for 10 years, will be finished at this March.
This is the last chance, that your essay will be manga by Usamaru-san. For detail about application, please refer this link.
Ref: Usagi * Hitori Club "You are ... " (2008.01.13)

9 January 2008

"Pop Style", the corner in Yomiuri Shinbun evening paper at every Wednesday, was renewal from this week and serialized Usamaru-san's new 4 frame manga POP-kun in there. "POP-kun and his family explains the popular news with joyful". it says.
"Pop Style" consists of some maniac pages than usual articles, and expected me the manga such as Palepoli or Short Cuts. But, the first episode was traditional paper manga for both characters and story. Let's watch out what happen in the future.

4 January 2008

At the last year's DJ event Dendou no Merry Christmas vol.4, the special bottled sake "Den Bukuro", which had Usamaru-san's official illustrated label was made by Kikuzakari Shuzo. From the promoter's blog of that event, Rio Yasuda, some stocks of bottles are remaining at him.
The illustrated label is good, of course, and the taste is also good. The sake is contest entered works.
If you have interest to it, send the mail to rio <at>
Ref: Official Dendou no Merry Christmas Web Site :

27 December 2007

New book of SHAKAIHA KUN GA YUKU! (Mr. Social goes!) series is now on sale. The cover illustration was drawn by Usamaru-san as usual.

    SHAKAIHA KUN GA YUKU! FUKKATSU HEN (Mr. Social goes! Resurgent edition)
    Shunichi Karasawa and Hyakuroh Murasaki
    Aspect / 20 December 2007 / ISBN:978-4-7572-1424-8 / 1575 YEN

Belows are message from editor:
... And this cover illustration drawn by Mr. Usamaru Furuya became a bit real and grim than previous armed maid. There are no special model for her, but filled with hard atmosphere than usual. Let's bring this book to the shop counter and watch out shop owner's face for his reaction.

26 December 2007

Usamaru-san's illustrated trend story serialized in Yomiuri Shinbun evening paper at every Wednesday will be re-born to 4 frame manga titled "POP kun" from the next 9 January 2009 volume.
Of course I am expecting it, but reminded the right image from this title... Hm.

Ref: Usagi * Hitori Club "What a nice Christmas ..." (2007.12.25)

18 December 2007

This is excerpt from Usamaru Furuya Community in mixi (required its account to access).
The movie Ai no Mukidashi which was introduced in Usagi * Hitori Club, too is asking a movie extra. Attention! No plan that Usamaru-san appears in that scene

--- Excerpt ---
The movie Ai no Mukidashi directed by Shion Sono and features Usamaru Furuya san has a plan of filming at Loft Plus One!;media_id=30
(Above mixi news has the introduction of the movie)

And now, we are asking to the movie extra!! Don't you watch the movie making at Loft Plus One? Please freely attend its sitting only role in the warm room!! Note: In that scene, Usamaru Furuya sensei won't appear.

Filming Date: Midnight, Thursday, 20 December 2008
Place: Shinjuku Loft Plus One
Time: Midnight - Early morning of 21 December. Think as taking the last train to come and the first train to back
Role: Fan in the live, or Member in the meeting
Age or Sex: 20 - 50 male and female. About 80 people. Come with your friends.

Please send the mail to with following subject and answers to (1) to (9).

Subject: Extra in the Loft Plus One at 20 Dec.
(1) Name :
(2) Kana (how to read) :
(3) Age :
(4) Sex :
(5) Cell phone number :
(6) mail address : (please specify handy address that you can check immediately after our stuff send the mail)
(7) Station near your home :
(8) Where did you get this info : Ai no Mukidashi official home page
(9) others :

For more detail, refer this link

9 December 2007

On Saturday, 8 December, I went to the DJ event Dendou no Merry Christmas vol.4
- I was too late! Immediately before my arriving, Hisashi Eguchi had finished his DJ play... Ah.
- Rio Yasuda, the promoter of this event was so cool. His two band Model Plants and Rio Bravo definitely caught me.
- I listened the song of Naoki Yamamoto in front of him and the next of Hisashi Eguchi. Naoki's song was tremendous and scared.
- I got the signature of Bura Kawasaki, my remarkable person. With some nervously, I talked with him. - And, Usamaru-san was there. He drew the illustration on the handmade Litchi T-shirts, the girls wearing, or talk to the fan (It's me). He was very polite and kindly, as usual.

Photo is Rio Bravo(Rio Yasuda (left) and Bura Kawasaki), Usamaru-san's illustrated towel that the first customers could receive, and even stuff couldn't get, and illustrated bottled sake made by Kikuzakari Shuzo.

Rayna(left) and Mayumi wearing Litchi T-shirts. Illustrated by Usamaru-san. Oh, he drew Uh-san.

Event goods, flyer, and ticket. See you at the next den-merry. Thanks to Yasuda-san, Usamaru-san, Bura-san, Mayumi-san and Rayna-san.

8 December 2007

Tonight, DJ event Dendou no Merry Christmas will be held whose official illustration Usamaru-san drew. Some first customers can receive special present, that is not (match) as usual from promoter. Will we see Usamaru-san!?

The photo is official illustrated bottled sake,
Official Site :

2 December 2007

Usamaru-san told me Hangeul edition of Marie no kanaderu Ongaku was published.
While gathering this information, I noticed the Hangeul edition of Short Cuts was changed its title to
    Mai, the most powerful female high school student /
!! I had thought that the title was translated as like as Japanese, because Japanese script "Short Cuts" remains on the front cover... Hm.

1 December 2007

Usamaru Furuya community in mixi says the first 20-30 comers of Dendou no merry Christmas vol.4 will get the very special goods :-) designed by usage of illustration in flyer drawn by Usamaru-san. What is that!?

Ref. Usamaru Furuya community (mixi account required)
Ref. official blog

1 December 2007

Usamaru Furuya community in mixi says the first 20-30 comers of Dendou no merry Christmas vol.4 will get the very special goods :-) designed by usage of illustration in flyer drawn by Usamaru-san. What is that!?

Ref. Usamaru Furuya community (mixi account required)
Ref. official blog

21 November 2007

Official flyer of Dendou no merry Christmas vol.4 was released. Illustration drawn by Usamaru-san. Designed b Mikio Kato.

Ref: Rio Yasuda's blog "Note Dendou no merry Christmas vol.4 flyer was made! (2007.11.13)

4 November 2007

On Saturday, 3 November 2007, Usamaru-san was on the jury at the Tama-com, competition held in Tama Art University Art and Communication Division's art festival "Kaminoge Safari Park". He attended the review meeting with other juries (Kiyoshi Kuroda, Naoki Satoh, Zarigani Works, Tomoyasu Murata). "It takes me back. It still the same." Usamaru-san thought about the art festival. Also he said "Jurying Of others' works is quite difficult ". Let me introduce Usamaru-sans word with my humble opinion. (Photos are juries on the stage and brochure. Usamaru-san looks nice!)

At the competition, the grand Award and other jury-named Awards were selected. Two paintings at the center in the left picture are the works took the Usamaru Furuya Award. "Ringo F30, Damekashira? F50 (Apple F30, Is it bad? F50)" (acrylic, oil). Usamaru-san criticized "This works are in middle point of paint and illustration (so, it is slipped off the selection of each Award). I can see that she drew very careful." My opinion is the same one with Usamaru-san's. It has impact and beauty and its theme imagined me Usamaru-san. She received the testimonial and Palepoli first edition while Usamaru-san saying that this book was drawn at the your age and filled with a lot of memories.


Left hand side in above picture is the Zarigani Works Award "Chirashi Zushi (Spread Sushi)" and right hand side is the Art Award "Sougaku (Total)". The "Sougaku" is constructed with 5 Yen coins of 6,000 Yen and really impressed me. While standing before this work, I felt real weight, depth and even sublimity. Personally, it was the best in this competition. Usamaru-san said "We can easily and correctly guess this material fee, can't we? (laugh) When I competing, I always thought restriction that student does not have enough money. It must be 5,000 Yen or its Max must be 10,000 Yen or so. In this restriction, they must select cheaper materials or tools, or must re-use dusted iron or wood. Her imagination change its handicap to advantage." It was too difficult to select the Art Award in juries so that the definition of "art" was vague for each person. But I think they select the real Art, even Tabata-san's final word that shocked everyone in the hall: "Only one coin is reversed"!

About movie or video, Usamaru-san's word represented everything: "All works is lacking something a bit".

When I think whole activities in the university, private works in each classroom had many kinds of idea and variety, and preferable for me than competitions. Also the classroom works reminds me the Ms. Ritsuko's room in Usamaru-san's Pi.

    - Old News (November 2005 - October 2007)

Usamaru's Blog

Usagi * Hitori Club

Now on magazine

- POP-kun Yomiuri Shinbun evening paper Every Wednesday, in the page of Pop-Style
- Innocents Shonen Jujigun Manga Erotics F (Ohta Publishing Corp.)
- Ningen Shikkaku Weekly Comic Bunch (Shinchosha)
- Teiichi no Kuni Jump SQ.19 (Shueisha)


Zutto Issho

Genkaku Picasso (3)

Shonen Shojo Ryoryuki (Bunko ed.)

Ningen Shikkaku (2)

Innocents Shonen Jujigun (2)

Genkaku Picasso (2)

Ningen Shikkaku (1)

Genkaku Picasso (1)

Natto Zamurai Mametaro de gozaru

Jisatsu Circle, New Edition

Innocents Shonen Jujigun (1)

Flowers, the book of paintings by Usamaru Furuya

Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (5)

Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (5)
Passed through the relentless Roppongi, they arrived the last stage Shibuya. The worst fear after the earthquake will happen at here. (Usamaru)

Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (3) / Shinchosha / ISBN 978-4107713216 / 530 Yen

Shonen Shoujo Hyouryuki / Shueisha / ISBN 978-4-08-774854-3 / 1260 Yen
Boys and girls drift various imaginary world. (Usamaru)

Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (2) / Shinchosha / ISBN 4107713059 / 530 Yen
Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (1) / Shinchosha / ISBN 4107712893 / 530 Yen
I drew what happen in Tokyo if there is an earthquake with a magnitude of eight on the Richter scale. (Usamaru)

Litchi Hikari Club / Ohta Publishing Co./ ISBN 4778320174 / 1280 Yen
Drawing this manga made me so happy since my first view of Litchi 20 years before. (Usamaru)

Happiness / IKKI Comics / ISBN 4091883109 / 720yen
tried to gather short stories describes stifling sense of loss of the boy and the girl of the teenager. (Usamaru)

Now on sale

Short Cuts
Wsamarus 2001
Plastic Girl
Litchi Hikari Club
Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou
Shounen Shoujo Hyouryuki

Last update : 3 February 2013