Old News (November 2005 - October 2007)28 October 2007 ![]() Innocents Shonen Jujigun (The Children's Crusade of Innocents) 1212, at a remote area of France Children's Crusade was formed with centering of Etienne, a 12 years old boy of miracle whom God loves. Marching children with hopes in their breast face severe ordeals. Children's pure eyes look ahead to the faraway holy Jerusalem. The story was constructed based on the hazy historical evidence (or legend) with historical background such as corrupt Knights Templars or inquisition. It will begin at Manga Erotics F(vol.48) (Ohta publishing company) 9 November on sale. Two episodes, 64 pages will be appeared at a magazine. (from introduction of Usamaru-san's mixi page) Ref: Manga Erotics F editor's diary : Cover art of F vol.48 (17 October 2007) This cover was drawn by Usamaru-san. Manga Erotics F editor's diary : F vol.48 Today's one frame (26 October 2007) The scene of first appearance of Etienne. Usagi * Hitori Club : How to draw manga?(2007.07.15) (You can read why two episode appear at a magazine. By the way, Usamaru-san already had finished writing the whole script of this serialization!!) 24 October 2007 Agenda of DJ event : Dendou no merry Christmas Vol.4 (Merry Christmas of Electric Vibration Vol.4) seems to be fixed. Refer here for detail info.Sensha Yoshida, Katsuya Terada, Keiichi Tanaka. And this year's illustration of advertisement flyer was cute and nonsense Santa Clause Girls drawn by Usamaru Furuya! We again have THAT based on this illustration this year. Don't miss it, Usamaru's fan! THAT must be bottled-sake made by Kikuzakari Corp. Ref. Rio Yasuda's blog "[Attention!] Dendou no merry Christmas Vol.4 comes back again this year!" (2007.10.24)
13 October 2007 Manga Erotics F(vol.40) had the side story of Litchi Hikari Club: Usual day of Tsunekawa-kun and "Interview and 50 questions to Usamaru Furuya". Now, Usamaru-san is releasing them on his blog and mixi album. You should see now because they will not be included in the book of Litchi Hikari Club.Ref. Usagi * Hitori Club "Usual day of Tsunekawa-kun"(2007.10.13) / mixi photo album "Usual day of Tsunekawa-kun (mixi account required) Also, many new parody commixes of Litchi Hikari Club are releasing from Usamaru-san's blog. Please refer the entries from 16th September 2007 to October 2007. Ref. Usagi * Hitori Club September / October Also Usamaru-san has another
October 8 2007
8 September 2007 Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou vol.5 is now on sale. This is the last volume and includes Usamaru-san's afterwords at the end of book.![]() New serialization will be started from next volume of Manga Erotics F, vol.48 Innocents Shonen Jujigun (Children's Crusade) When I've learned about Children's Crusade at high school, I remembered that as disastrous event that children's pure ideal was played by adults. As an similar theme, now I imagine the Litchi Hikari Club, which was serialized in the same magazine. Ref. Usagi * Hitori Club "Advance notice!"(2007.09.06) 3 September 2007 The movie Evangelion:1.0 is really heating up. Usamaru-san also had a relationship with Eva.![]() You will see this illustration at GAINAX NET's Top page gallery (2004 Nov.). This was included in GAM3@GAINAX NET Art Museum3 with other authors' works, but now out of order. Ref. Usagi * Hitori Club "Evangelion:1.0"(2007.09.06) 27 August 2007 At Book First Shibuya 5F, F magazine Fair is being held by Ohta Publishing Co.Ref : Manga Erotics F editor's diary : F magazine Fair is being held!! (18 August 2007) ![]() Today I went to the fair and watched Zera's glove and Litchi. You will see the 5 or 6 pages of Usamaru-sans manuscript (copy) in below photograph. They are deeply admired me so that they are too sensitive and too beautiful. If you have a chance, don't miss it! Till the end of September. ![]() ![]() 20 August 2007
3 August 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.36 (3 August on sale)Thank you, dear readers. It's goodbye until we meet again. This issue finished the serialization of "Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou". Thank you, Usamaru-san!! On Usamaru-san's blog, we can see the Usamaru-san's party scenes after the successful completion of a serialization. Ref. Usagi * Hitori Club "We are parting!"(2007.08.03) New Book! Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (5) (51 ways to protect your lover Vol.5) 8 September 2007 on sale from Shueisha. ![]() 27 July 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.35 (27 July on sale)I try to walk 10,000 strides per a day. At last, the next issue will have the last story of Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou ! 20 July 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.34 (20 July on sale)After cleaning of my room, I noticed various manuscripts were lost. 6 July 2007
2 July 2007 I knew "Litchi Hikari Club examination" (http://kantei.am/16502/) from Usamaru-san's blog.Ref. Usagi * Hitori Club "I took a Litchi Hikari Club examination"(2007.07.01) 29 June 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.31 (29 June on sale)I don't feel well. It was really a close call that coffee maker got moldy. 23 June 2007 Usamaru-san's assistant Ai Kozaki made a debut at this weekly magazine Morning. Congratulation!! I've read her work and am so impressed. Usamaru-san's fun will have another interested things in her work. The new serialization will be started soon, in the same magazine.Ref: Usagi * Hitori Club "My assistant, Ai Kozaki will debut on today's Morning."(2007.06.21) Ai Kozaki She was born on Feb. 22, 1982. After dropping out of from Tama Art University Image and Theater Division, she started her carrier as a comic artist at 2002. She joined Usamaru-san's book Litchi Hikari Club and Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou as an drawing staff. In her blog, she said that she had joined three Usamaru's book. So, she must have joined in "Shounen Shoujo Hyouryuki", too. When her book Bisyonen no kakikata (How to draw Handsome boys) (2006) was published, she was said "Usamaru - manga artistic genius - Furuya's fair-haired girl, and has great skill of drawing that passed the entrance examination of Tama Art University on her first attempt as the #1". Reference Link
22 June 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.30 (22 June on sale)I don't feel well. 15 June 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.29 (15 June on sale)The diet, people around me are trying, let my weight lose. 2007/6/14 Talk show of that day was reproduced here from official site![]() (From Official Site) The talk show at Saturday 11th June, we had special guests, one is Usamaru Furuya who wrote the main visual, and Kengo Kora who appeared in "Ningyohime to Ohji (mermaid and prince)". They talked about the movie, the acting, the collaboration with someone, and so on ... It was a little academic than other days. (Photo:from left to right, Adachi, Furuya, Kora and Sakurai. Also, everyone talked about Kora, how wonderful he was!) 2007/6/10 Otherwise, Adachi compared the movies with the view of color (he described the Tokyo without color, and Sakurai created the story based on the color), Kora's acting policy or so. Unexpectedly :-) , it was deep and meaningful discussion. About the movie, they were so impressed stories because (?) they are the novelist. And both of them did the well editing by cut excess off and let us concentrate on image and sound so that feel their style, well. They were the really or good meaning's hand-made movie. If you have a chance, watch them. Upper right image is official book. It is Otsuzakura Gakuen student handbook. Usamaru-san have 1-page filled with his illustration. At the theater, official poster (B2 size. the same design with ad paper) was sold, too. 8 June 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.28 (8 June on sale)"Vol.4 has just published!! (>V<)/" Usamaru-san introduce this book at mixi: Passed through the relentless Roppongi, they arrived the last stage Shibuya. The worst fear after the earthquake will happen at here. 1 June 2007
31 May 2007 Usamaru-san will attend the talk show held in Tokyo Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai. The date is Saturday, 9th June.Official site : http://www.biotide-films.com/otsuzakura/ 27 May 2007 New Book!Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (4) (51 ways to protect your lover Vol.4) 8 June 2007 on sale from Shueisha. 530 yen (including tax). ISBN 978-4107713384. You can pre-order at amazon.co.jp, now. Reference: About the cover illustration Usagi * Hitori Club "Now, I will draw this while masking symptoms by medicine"(2007.04.29) Usagi * Hitori Club "Again, the heat ... feel slack ... I did the painting as like this"(2007.04.30) 25 May 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.26 (25 May on sale)"I am drawing manga on the drawing board because of a stiff neck to the down side" Reference: Usagi * Hitori Club "Because my neck doesn't recover..." (2007.05.15) 20 May 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.25 (18 May on sale)Whenever I go to "family restaurant", mystery old woman always is there. Added 20 August 2007 Ref. Usagi * Hitori Club "Grandma, everyday"(2007.08.19) 12 May 2007 You can online order advance ticket of Tokyo Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai, and the set with official program from its official site. Unfortunately, you cannot buy the official program only.Official site : http://www.biotide-films.com/otsuzakura/ Reference article of Ami Sakurai's blog : http://kyanosblue.blog45.fc2.com/blog-entry-71.html 11 May 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.24 (11 May on sale)I decided to give blog try it. Please refer thisUsagi * Hitori Club http://usamarus2001.blog100.fc2.com/ 4 May 2007 In Tokyo Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai, "Otsuzakura Gakuensai official guidebook" will be published."Ami Sakurai, Hirotaka Adachi, Usamaru Furuya, these three person consists "committee of Gakuensai" and made the book including original works and full of fun" (from official site). For more detail, refer Official site. 28 April 2007 Tokyo Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai - (Tokyo Novel - Otsuzakura School Festival -)Official site : http://www.biotide-films.com/otsuzakura/ Usamaru-san drew illustration of the poster You can get Postcard with Usamaru-san's illustration if you buy advance ticket at the movie theater, Shibuya Eurospace. Limited number of first comers' postcard are with signature of both directors; Ami Sakurai and Hirotaka Adachi.
20 April 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.21 (20 April on sale)I had my head examined by MRI. They say my brain is like a baby. 18 April 2007 Usamaru-san has begun the blog!Usagi * Hitori Club http://usamarus2001.blog100.fc2.com/ ![]() ![]() Left is the top page at the immediately after the beginning, Right is current top page. 13 April 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.20 (13 April on sale)Purchased hard disk was defective and lost my working data for two weeks. 9 April 2007 The article of Yomiuri Shinbun evening edition at Wednesday, 28 March was also appeared in online edition, too. You can see large Usamaru-san's color photo :-)http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/book/news/20070328bk06.htm I've found official site of Shounen Shoujo Hyouryuki. Good Flush work. Also, it has Otsuichi-san's comment. http://www.shueisha.co.jp/shonenshojo/index.html 6 April 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.19 (6 April on sale)I always take a walk with my assistants while drawing the manga. 5 April 2007 Usamaru-san drew the illustration of the poster of "Otsuzakura Gakuensai"."Tokyo Shosetsu - Otsuzakura Gakuensai" (Tokyo Novel - Otsuzakura school festival) "Ningyohime to Ohji (mermaid and prince)" directed by Ami Sakurai + "3D Rittai Tokyo (3D solid Tokyo) " directed by Otsuichi (Hirotaka Adachi) "The movies will be on late show at Eurospace in Shibuya Maruyama-chou, from every 9pm in the two-weak starting 2 June. After the movie, we will have talk show and school festival event every night(!!!). (from Ami Sakurai's blog)" Ami Sakurai's blog http://kyanosblue.blog45.fc2.com/ http://kyanosblue.blog45.fc2.com/blog-entry-60.html Furu-furu's blog introduced the information of Otsuzakura Gakuensai http://old88nara88.at.webry.info/200703/article_18.html 30 March 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.18 (30 March on sale) As for recent movies, Perfume was good. Sniff sniff. 28 March 2007 Usamaru-san appeared in Yomiuri Shinbun evening paper at Wednesday, 28 March. Do wide range of topics at once, Usamaru Furuya - changed by receiving outside stimuli / face to the next title with challenges ![]() (9 April added) This article was appeared in online edition, too. You can see large Usamaru-san's color photo :-) http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/book/news/20070328bk06.htm 25 March 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.17 (23 March on sale) "I have a nightmare if I slept leaving the light on all night long." 18 March 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.16 (16 March on sale) "Every week, one kilograms of coffee beans disappear. They spread out into every corner of my cells." 10 March 2007 As already Asahi newspaper article said, Task force about promotions of the people management to remit the damage of disaster at Central Disaster Management Meeting in Cabinet office used Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou as a reference to Enriching contents which improve people's thinking ability to a disaster. 10th meeting : http://www.bousai.go.jp/kokuun/kokuun10.html documents distributed Documents from office document No.5: Point of contention(Enriching the contents improves people's thinking ability to disaster) Reference: Example of story or work describes disaster http://www.bousai.go.jp/kokuun/kokuun10-05a.pdf 11th meeting : http://www.bousai.go.jp/kokuun/kokuun11.html documents distributed Documents from Machizukuri Planning Institute Inc. document No.22: Kanojowo mamoru 51 no houhou - To improve the ability for anti-disaster of young generation - http://www.bousai.go.jp/kokuun/kokuun11-02.pdf 9 March 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.15 (9 March on sale.) "Other company has published my new book. Let's Google!" 2 March 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.14 (2 March on sale.) "YouTube has interfered with my work." At the end of Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou, Minoru Watanabe teach us how to use an emergency messaging service. 23 February 2007 Usamaru-san's word at the end of Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.13 (23 February on sale.) "An Inconvenient Truth made up my mind in various ways." 22 February 2007 Monthly magazine Shousetsu Subaru March 2007 issue (17 February on sale) has a dialogue of Usamaru-san and Otsuichi-san. The title is Shounen Shoujo Hyouryuki memorial dialogue just before the selling! - Our words, who was the man of delusion, to confused boys and girls. 17 February 2007 Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou appeared in Asahi newspaper Saturday, 13 January 2007. You can read the article as PDF format from the following link. Link : Search "Story #28, 12 January on sale" in the http://www.machiken.co.jp/cgi/topics10/topics.cgi 16 February 2007 Advertisement of current issue (16 Feb on sale. Vol.12) ofWeekly Comic Bunch ![]() Usamaru-san's word at the end of the magazine : Toyoko Yamasaki is the great, Kareinaru Ichizoku(The gorgeous family) 9 February 2007 Advertisement of the next issue (16 Feb on sale. Vol.12) of Weekly Comic Bunch ![]() 5 February 2007 New Book! Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (3) (51 ways to protect your lover vol.3) 11 March 2007 on sale. 530 yen (including tax). ISBN 978-4107713216. You can pre-order at amazon.co.jp., now. 3 February 2007 New Book! Shounen Shoujo Hyouryuki (Drift diary of boys & girls(?)) 26 February 2007 on sale. 1260 yen (including tax). ISBN 978-4-08-774854-3. The name of author is Furuya X Otsuichi X Usamaru. You can pre-order at Seven & Y, now. 19 January 2007 From Weekly Comic Bunch vol.7 (19 Jan. on sale), Q : What is your recommend dishes that let your body warm at cold winter? A : I find myself eating only oden at 7-Eleven. Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou Roppongi chapter has finished at this sequel. New chapter Shibuya will begin at 16 February. 12 January 2007 From Weekly Comic Bunch vol.7 (12 Jan. on sale), Q : What is your 2007's goal? A : I have about 51 goals. 6 January 2007 Current issue of monthly magazine Shousetsu Subaru has the last story of sequel of Shounen Shoujo Hyouryuki. The sequels will be published as a book at the February. 1 January 2007 This Web Site is generally available, though some pages are under construction. Usamaru-san gave me so many help while this construction. Also, he has readily agreed to re-use of characters, images and contents from his books without any limitation. Thank you very much, Usamaru-san!! 28 December 2006 From Weekly Comic Bunch vol.5 & 6 double number (28 Dec. on sale), Q : How do you spend the end of year? A : polish my bike 26 December 2006 Usamaru-san will appear on NHK-BS (TV) !! From http://www.nhk.or.jp/bs/navi/docum_fw.html Manga no Genba (field of manga construction) Karuho Shiina Kimi ni Todoke(Reach to you!) / Usamaru Furuya Kanojowo mamoru 51 no houhou Wednesday 10 January 2007 0am to 0:40am (midnight of 9) NHK-BS2 / Wednesday 10 January 6pm to 6:40pm NHK-BS Hi In the corner of Sakusha no Genba(field of author), Mr.Usamaru Furuya will be appeared. His Kanojowo mamoru 51 no houhou was highly regarded as full-fledged simulation manga of anti-earthquake by Cabinet Office. He made his debut from Garo when he was art teacher. Mr.Furuya broke into major magazine from experimental manga. As a his new challenge, he constructed precise fiction that asks to us how to survive yourself with lovers when there is an epicentral earthquake with a magnitude of eight on the Richter scale in Tokyo, and everything are flattened. Mr.Furuya went to Odaiba, Roppongi and Shibuya and investigated every possible stories. He draws psychological pressure and realistic with vivid description, the unique aspect of manga. We will explore the source of his imagination, because he does not depend on data only. 22 December 2006 From Weekly Comic Bunch vol.4 (22 Dec. on sale), Q : What present do you want to receive at Christmas? A : Mechanical watch 15 December 2006 From Weekly Comic Bunch vol.3 (15 Dec. on sale), Q : What do you want to close within this year? A : I want to provide furniture at IKEA. 10 December 2006 Today, Usamaru-san attended the "6th earthquake strengthening forum, Survival game Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou in Roppongi Hills". According to Web site, Usamaru-san had signing event or attended the game. introduction : http://rescuenow.nifty.com/taishin/index.htm result report : http://rescuenow.nifty.com/taishin/soukatsu.htm result report another one : http://www.rescuenow.net/other/taishin20061210/taishin20061210.html Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.5&6 double number(28 Dec. on sale) also has that day's report. 1 December 2006 From Weekly Comic Bunch Vol1 & 2 double number (1 Dec. on sale), common question to every cartoonists and their answers are carried at the end of magazine. Q : What is your most impressive thing at 2006? A : Movie was made from my own work for the first time. 21 November 2006 New Book! Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (2) (51 ways to protect your lover vol.2) 11 December 2006 on sale. Also Ai Kozaki published new book. She is known as "Usamaru - manga artistic genius - Furuya's fair-haired girl, and has great skill of drawing that passed the entrance examination of Tama Art University on her first attempt as the #1". Bisyonen no kakikata (How to draw Handsome boys) Graphic-sha Publishing B5 size, being made common / total 144 pages (color in 8pages) Price : 1400yen (+ Tax) ISBN4-7661-1729-8 C2379 For more detail, refer Graphic-sha Publishing Web Site 17 November 2006 At 9pm, Saturday, 11 November 2006, there was talk event to celebrate the viewing of "Ichiban Kireina Mizu" at Shibuya Cine Quinto. Speakers were Hiroshi Usui (director), Yuiko Miura(screenwriter) and Usamaru-san(base manga artist). Refer Cine Quinto, Diary of chief manager of movie theater for the day. 20 October 2006 Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.47 (20 Oct. on sale) has "New chapter Roppongi beginning special Part.2 Special talks Usamaru Furuya (Cartoonist) X Meguru Ishii (Disaster prevention and crisis management journalist). 13 October 2006 Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.46 (13 Oct. on sale) has
1 October 2006 SWITCH October 2006 issue Switch Publishing Co. Ltd. is now on sale, which includes dialogue of Usamaru-san and Lucile Hadzihalilovic, director of Ecole. Among 6 pages, it occupies 2pages. Usamaru-san said he thought his YUMEKANA in Garden after he'd watched Ecole. 28 September 2006 At 7 October (Saturday), there is talk event of Usamaru Furuya with Sono Shion, director, after the shown of Noriko no Syokutkau, which will start at 13:20 at K'scinema.
Cast, Staff and introduction of the movie. Easy to understand than official site. http://www.cinematopics.com/cinema/works/output2.php?oid=6671 Screaming Ad http://broadband.biglobe.ne.jp/program/index_kireinamizu.html -Preview -Hot news -Press interview at completion -Dialogue of main casts and the director -Press interview landscape http://www.unitedcinemas.jp/catch-up.php?c=101 -Press interview landscape(2) many photos http://www.mainichi-msn.co.jp/entertainment/geinou/200606/graph/09/ 1 September 2006 Weekly Comic Bunch Vol.41 (8 Sep. on sale) will have an dialogue of Usamaru-san and Rosa Kato , titled as "The Rainbow bridge would burst into flames!? Special dialogue for new comic book on sale: 51 ways to protect your lover". They will talk about "Ichiban Kireina Mizu", too. 14 August 2006 Usamaru-san appeared on the movie. Noriko's Dinner Table directed by Sono Shion (Official HP: http://www.noriko-movie.com/) It seems there is the link with Suicide circle. The name of Usamaru-san is credited in Director's page. 13 August 2006 New Book! Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (1) (51 ways to protect your lover vol.1) Shinchosha / 530 Yen(tax included) / ISBN:4107712893 / 11 September 2006 I drew what if there is an earthquake with a magnitude of eight on the Richter scale in Tokyo.(from mixi) You can order at amazon.co.jp. 4 August 2006 The serialization of Ura BUBKA's cover art was finished. You can see all images at the Usamaru-san's page in mix. Refer Album page. 12 July 2006 From the information of Manga Erotics F editor's diary at 12 July, Litchi Hikari Club was decided to be reprinted. (Added 18 July 2006) Message From Usamaru-san's page in mixi. Revised points from Litchi Hikari Club Second edition - asked to adjust the color density, which was too dark at First edition. - fixed a few points of scripts. Otsuichi's Zoo (Shueisha Bunko) includes diaglogus between him and Usamaru-san. Teiten Kansoku serialized in Engeki book was finished at vol.121 (5/9 sold). 8 July 2006 ![]() Secret special items were: (1) Litchi Hikari Club original "name" (draft of scripts and frames). A4 size, 2sheets, 4pages. This is not copy! Really drawn by pencil!! These are base scripts of page 58 to page 61 ![]() ![]() (2) Base materials for eah characters A4 size, 9pages ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (3) Hikari Club member certificate (with Number and name signed by Usamaru-sensei) My number is 35. ![]() (Added 11 July 2006) In mixi, m.ARI reports more more passionaly about the signing event at SHIBUYA TSUTAYA. m.ARI 7/3 Litchi signing event (Nakano) 7/3 Litchi signing event (Nakano, later) Manga Erotics F editor's diary at 10 July has the report of the day from editor's side. Also Usamaru-san's photo album in mixi shows so us so many photo of that day. Even I was included! (see above photo) 4 July 2006 From Manga Erotics F editor's diary at 4 July, F X CoMICS and All Erotics F magazine Fair for memory of Vol.40 will be held in Book First Shibuya from July 4th through to September 4th. You can see Handmade add for Lithi Hikari Club by Asumiko Nakamura and some gimmick such as Zera's glove or Litchi and so on. 2 July 2006 From Usamaru-san's page in mixi, he says he won't have events such as siginings for the next few years. If your schedule permits, let's go to Nakano TACO che. Also, the next Manga Erotics F, vol.40 has special edition of Litchi Hikari Club, that is not planned to become a book. 1 July 2006 ![]() In the store, his original manuscripts are arranged. They were much beautiful than the printed books! Rough desgins were drawn with blue pencil as described in Dennoh Manga Giken. Also the valuable sound of Tokyo Grand-guignol's Litchi Hikari Club was playing there. (Added 3 July 2006) In mixi, m.ARI reports passionaly about the signing event at SHIBUYA TSUTAYA. m.ARI 7/3 Litchi signing event (first part) 7/3 Litchi signing event (second part) Also, Manga Erotics F editor's diary at 3 July has the report of the event. 26 June 2006 You can see sales demonstration for Litchi Hikari Club at SHIBUYA TSUTAYA in Manga Erotics F editor's diary at 26 June. Also the same page says the (Japanese) title of Litchi Hikari Club includes the character of white star in it. 21 June 2006 Litchi Hikari Club is now on the store. You can see cover image at Manga erotics F editor's diary at 21 June. 9 June 2006 From the information of Manga Erotics F editor's diary at 9 June, Palepoli was decided to be reprinted. Also the same page has the image (part) of Litchi Hikari Club. 7 June 2006 From the information of Manga Erotics F editor's diary, Usamaru-san will have book signings for Litchi Hikari Club release promotion. SHIBUYA TSUTAYA Date : 1 July 2006 2pm- Place : SHIBUYA@TSUTAYA@5F Comic book corner Numbered tickets will be gave away in order of buying Litchi Hikari Club, which will be sold from 21 June. Also you can get the original booklet. Contact : SHIBUYA@TSUTAYA iTel. 03-5459-2000j Add (21 June 2006) From the ad in the store, only 150 tickets will be delivered. Nakano TACO che Date : 8 July 2006 3pm - Place : TACO che (Nakano broadway) Numbered tickets will be gave away in order of buying Litchi Hikari Club, which will be sold from 21 June. You can get secret item from Usamaru-san If you put on school uniforim for boy or sailor-style school uniform (not blazer-style) for girl at the sinings. Also Usamaru-san's original drawaings of Litchi and others will be sold. Contact : TACO che (Tel. 03-5343-3010) From the web site of TACO che, only 100 tickets will be delivered. Another news. Manga Erotics F next issue (Vol.40) will publish Interview of Usamaru Furuya and new 4 frame manga about Litchi. 31 May 2006 announcement of forthcoming books Litchi Hikari Club Ohta Publishing Co. / 1334 yen / ISBN:4778320182 / 22 June 2006 "blunt weapon class Comic book over than 330 pages. Design is so good(from mixi)" You can order at amazon. Usamaru-san may have a book sigining for this. 13 May 2006 Serialization of Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (51 ways to protect your lover) has began at Weekly Comic Bunch 12th May 20006 issue. Newly introduction page was created. ![]() (A strong inland earthquake with a magnitude of eight on the Richter scale attacked Tokyo. Is there nothing I can do except protect her ...?) 28 April 2006 It's said that Pi has Korean edition and Chinese edition. And the title of Chinese edition is "‰~Žü—¦ (circle ratio)"... A bit(?) mistaken. And now, then, how can I get one? 27 April 2006 Detail information about new serialization. Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (51 ways to protect your lover) Weekly Comic Bunch 12th May 20006 issue. (from ad.) A strong inland earthquake with a magnitude of eight on the Richter scale attacked Tokyo. Is there nothing I can do except protect her ...? Usamaru Furuya draws massive earthquakes with a life-size view. No one ever seen, very hot earthquake disaster cartoon starts! It seems adaptation from a book of the same name, and the author Minoru Watanabe is credited as supervisor. Kanojo wo mamoru 51 no houhou (51 ways to protect your lover) by Kanaojo wo mamoru project / Minoru Watanabe, Micro Magazine If you are mixi user, you may see a part of contents from Usamaru's photo album.http://mixi.jp/view_album.pl?id=342722 He says he took so much time to research. More expectations! 26 April 2006
28 March 2006 And one more new serialization ! From 5th April, every Wednesday, Usamaru Furuya draws color illustration in the column of the entertainer in the Yomiuri Shimbun evening paper. 20 March 2006 New serialization ! From Weekly Comic Bunch 12th May issue. Title or detail information are unknown. If you are a my mixi friend with Usamaru Furuya, you will see it in My Album at 11th March. Completion of advertisement paper making of Gekidan, Yukiko Motoya (Away) Misshitsu Kanojo (girlfriend in a closed door). See Stuff blog at 16th March for a littel glance of the paper. 11 March 2006 Usamaru Furuya draws advertisement illustlation of Gekidan, Yukiko Motoya (Away) Misshitsu Kanojo (girlfriend in a closed door). Now you will see the foggy image at the top page. 8 March 2006 Making a movie of Ichiban Kireina Mizu (Most beautiful walter) from Wsamarus 2001. Ichiban Kireina Mizu (plan) Autumn 2006, Directed by Hiroshi Usui Based on Usamaru Furuya's cartoon. Cast : Rosa Kato, Rio Kanno, Kahimi Karie See also http://www.hakuhodody-media.co.jp/mediacontents/ m.ARI Thanks! 2 March 2006 From m.ARI-san, Usamaru Furuya will have a book sigining for the new book Lychee Hikari Club release promotion. Place will be Nakano TACO che and Time will be June or July. 1 March 2006 At mixi, some members are reporting Usamaru Furuya's book signing held at 25 February. m.ARI-san 26 June : Report of Usamaru Furuya's book signing 27 June : From Usamaru Furuya ... !! You can see Usamaru's illustration on the notebook. For more detail, please refer the following web site, though now under construction. nO-IdeA (http://page.freett.com/no_idea/top.html) Shen Shei-san 26 June : Usamaru Furuya/Runt Star, Cerveza live Click it now if you want to get Usamaru Furuya's bromide. Chintama! 15 January 2006 Monthly magazine SHOSETSU SUBARU (Novel Subaru) will publish new series "Syonen Syojo Hyoryuki" (Drift diary of boys & girls(?)) written by Usamaru Furuya and Otsuichi from February 2006 issue (17 January out). The name of author is "Furuya Otsuichi Usamaru". It also includes dialogues with Otsuichi : Making of Syonen Syojo Hyoryuki You can see some mangas in Usamaru Furuya's photo album in SNS mixi. http://mixi.jp/view_album.pl?id=202459&mode=photo Monthly magazine Bijutsu Techou (art handbook) February 2006 issue (17 January out) editorial special is "Is manga art!? Direction of evolving manga description". Usamaru Furuya appears in 6page articles about his inteview and atelier studio coverage. Weekly Comic Bunch has a series of titled "My Best Love Song". Cartoonist draw manga based on popular love song. Usamaru Furuya will draw the manga based on PornoGraffitti's Ageha Cho (swallowtail). 13 January 2006 I found Usamaru Furya in Mixi (Japan's #1 SNS), and knew he is delivering many information by himself. http://mixi.jp/show_friend.pl?id=122185 Many mangas or photos can be viewed. check it now (even me, surprising ... ). If you do not have account of mixi, please freely ask to me. I will send you invitation. 2 January 2006 announcement of forthcoming books "Happiness" IKKI COMICS / 750yen / Shogakukan You can order at amazon.co.jp. 1 January 2006 Start of creation of this web site. |