Usamaru Furuya Unofficial Web Site, Tokyo Japanese

Syonen Syojo Hyoryuki

Jisatsu Circle

First appearance of contents

  • newly written for this book

Book data

Jisatsu Circle / ONE TWO MAGAZIN-SHA INC. / ISBN : 4901579096 / 1140 Yen + TAX
20 March 2002

Based on the movie of Shion Sono's Jisatsu Circle
Story and Cartoon: Usamaru Furuya
Staff: Yoshiki Matsushige, Junji Niwaya, Erichin, Yusuke Kozaki
Book Design : Akira Saitoh (Veia) Miyuki Yamaguchi (Veia)
web creator: saori
Editor/Production: Norikazu Nakata(I.N) Taro Marukoh(I.N) Akihiro Kawaguchi
Jisatsu Circle Production Commitee
Cooperation: D[di:], Kohji Katada(East Press), Kazunari Eifuku, Tomono Yamamura

Softcover A5 size 168 pages
Omote1 and Omote4 were designed as like as notebook. The number of sheets was printed as "165 sheets", which is the real page number, and written as FURUYA with similar font face with KOKUYO, Japanese famous stationery product company.
As an promotion, original post card of Saya was enclosed.

This is Usamaru-san's original story, though credit says "based on the movie". Director Sono seemed to ask Usamaru-san to write his own Jisatsu Circle that can be completely different from the movie.
Tobira has a captured photo from the movie. The beginning 3 pages are printed in color.

Le cercle du suicide / Casterman / ISBN : 9782203373327 / 9.95 EUR
Traduction : Naomiki Sato et Marie-Saskia Raynal
Adaptation graphique : Caroline Delavault

French edition. Soft cover. A5 size 176 pages.
Tobira page of original Japanese edition, which had a captured photo from the movie, was deleted. The top color pages are printed in monochrome, though stuffed animal was printed in color at the book cover in back.
All cryptic graffities at the Tobira page of each chapter was replaced by childish (elementary school level?) illustration. It gives me different impression than Japanese. Newly drawn for this edition?

Der Selbstmordclub / Schreiber & Leser / ISBN : 3937102531 / 14.95 EUR

German edition. Soft cover. A5 size 176 pages.
It seems to be based on French edtion. Location and content of footnotes, aurthors introduction, format of page number, page layout are the same.
The back cover was changed. The rightest girl appeared for the first time.

About French edition, German edition

These are footnotes of French edition / German edition. Page number is diffrent from Japanese edition because it includes the illustration page at the beginning.

P.22 (Japanese edition P.16)
Japanese school starts at April.

P.35 (Japanese edition P.29)
KOMORI means Bat in Japanese.

P.37 (Japanese edition P.31)
Tsurezuregusa is Japanese classical literature written by Kenko Houshi

P.118 (Japanese edition P.112)
In Japan, the day of the St. Valentine's day, the girls offer chocolates to the boys whom they love, also to the men of their entourage because they appreciate them, that is to say by social obligation.

P.130 (Japanese edition P.124)
From Murasaki Shikibu Nikki (diary of Murasaki Shikibu)

P.161 (Japanese edition P.155)
gJANNY' Sh is an agency of singers and actors consisted of the beauty boys whom it launches on the market. like famous the servant boys-band SMAP. Kusanagi is member of SMAP.

P.162 (Japanese edition P.156)
Main character of the same named manga drawn by Machiko Hasegawa.

Movie Jisatsu Circle

This Usamaru-san's maga is not manga version of the movie. Also, the movie is not movie version of the manga. Usamaru-san says "I made my own original story from its title that has large impact and raises various stories, and the shocking first sequence." (from aurthor's note)
Usamaru-san appears in the "Noriko no Syokutaku", sequel of "Jisatsu Circle". The man who describes the circle at the coffee shop.

film data

Director & Screenplay: Shion Sono
Cast: Ryo Ishibashi, Masatoshi Nagase, Tamao Satoh, Takashi Nomura, Mai Houshou, Rolly, Yohko Kamon, Akira Hagiwara, Kimiko Yo, Hideo Sako, Akaji Maro
2001 Tokyo international fantastic film festival exhibit, 2002 Rotterdam internation film festival exhibit.
2002, Japan, 35mm, Color, vista size, Mono, 99 mins.

Shion Sono Dot Com Official Web Site :
Page of Jisatsu Circle :

Reference Articles

TACO che owner's comment for Jisatsu Circle(12 March 2002), event report of signing event (25 March 2002).

Reference URL

Japanese edition introduce as "The BBS of dead is alive" but the link is not found as of 12 February 2007.

- Introduction of ONE TWO magazinesha

- Introduction of French edition

- Introduction of German edition

Last update : 19 April 2007