Plastic GirlFirst appearance of contents
Book data
Plastic Girl / Kawade Shobo Shinsha / ISBN : 4309264247 / 2000yen + Tax 8 September 2000 Book Design : Jun Takechi Soft cover A4 size 44 pages There is the description of Special thanks under the back cover sleeve. Referenct ArticlesInterview to Usamaru-san about Plastic Girl at the online bookstore bk1. Interviewer is Ryota Fujitsu.http://www.bk1.co.jp/cgi-bin/srch/srch_top.cgi?aid=p-border01565&tpl=dir/01/01020300_0006_0000000003.tpl As of 26 Dec. 2006, link is dead. You can read the part of it from bk1's mail magazine. http://www.ccn.aitai.ne.jp/~tkatou/shukanbk1/0001.htm Report of event by Taco che staff (or owner?). Please search each page by the keyword "“eŠÛ" (Usamaru's Kanji character). http://www.tacoche.com/diary/nikki01.01.html http://www.tacoche.com/diary/nikki01.02.html Referenct Articles- introduction page of Kawade shobo shinshaintroduction page : http://www.kawade.co.jp/np/isbn/4309264247 |