機 動 動 姫


●MoMo Basic-style(Nude-Model)



"MoMo" is the arms of the category commonly called a "huge robot."
It is a thing of the category commonly called a "huge battle robot."
Around 30 meters in overall height. The frame and the joint have also imitated it of human with woman type appearance.
Though it is huge robot arms, it is flexible, and the motion near man can be performed.

その多くは白黒ブチ・モノトーンのデフォルト色となっており、このカラーリングは俗に「オルカカラー(orca-color)」と呼ばれる。 ブチの箇所には多少の個体差が見られ、体表はその名(オルカ=シャチ)の通り水に濡れたような滑らかな光沢がある。

A case to the extent that setting up was finished in the studio of Xodd is called a "nude model."
The many are the colors of the black monotone on a white ground. This default color is commonly called "orca-color." The place with a color has a difference for every individual.
A body surface has the smooth gloss wet in water like the skin of a killer whale.

●MoMo Nude-Model (Torso)

MoMoは、エネルギーの供給源・メインジェネレーターとして超小型の「OP-iユニット」を胸部に2基搭載している。(※Over Power - implement )

これの発電能力はきわめて高く、そのためMoMoは単独兵器として他の追随を許さない絶対的なアドバンテージを持つに至ったとされる。 質量をほぼ100%の効率で熱量へと変換する「OP」は、基本原理こそ解明されているものの

このOP-iユニットを「本体」と呼び、人型をしたボディ部は本体を収める「容れ物」という意味で「筐体(きょうたい)」と呼ばれる。 …それほどまでに、このOP-iユニットの重要性は高いものとされる。
MoMoのビルディングは、すべてのパーツの製造から最終的な組み立てまでをXoddが行っている。 そのため、MoMoは星域全体で広く使用されておりながら謎に包まれた兵器となっている。

MoMo carries two "OP-i units" micro as the source of supply and a main generator of energy in the chest. (*Over Power - implement)
As for the electric generating capacity of this, MoMo is supposed that it came to have the absolute advantage which does not allow other imitation as independent arms very highly therefore.
"OP" which changes mass into quantity of heat at the efficiency of about 100% is said for the manufacture and mass production in this size to be almost impossible although just the basic principle is solved (science power of the present star cluster).

Moreover, since danger follows not only on manufacture but on employment and management of this, when it is MoMo, a severe ceiling is received and it is black-box.
This OP-i unit is called a "main part", and the body part which carried out the person type is called a "case" for the purpose of the "receptacle" which stores a main part.
-- Let importance of this OP-i unit be a high thing so much until.
Xodd is performing even the assembly with a building of MoMo final from manufacture of all the parts.
Therefore, MoMo serves as arms wrapped in the mystery, being widely used by the whole Galaxy.


●MoMo's Main Weapon "Gow-ring-gom"
 MoMoの装備 『グリングム』



MoMo's Main Weapon "Gow-ring-gom"
■ Equipment of MoMo
Many options including additional equipment, additional armoring, a vehicle (embarkation), etc. are prepared for MoMo designed as "the general-purpose type and a production airplane" which can respond to all the war situations.
-- The patterned cloth of the shape of a spear called "Gow-ring-gom" is called the arms with which many cases carry by default and symbolize MoMo also in it.


■ Gow-ring-gom
Mind of "the thing and swirl rounded round and round."
Equip of the shape of a spear which a basic nude model's MoMo uses.
Usually, it carries on the waist in the state where it rounded, and lengthens and develops at the time of use.
Since elasticity is also possible, while it has been short, it uses as a sword, and also the flexible characteristic may be harnessed and it may use like a whip.

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1996-2999 Masahiro Shimamoto, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.