このサイトは管理人による写真をメインにした作りの趣味のサイトですのでご興味を頂ける方は下記の【初めての方へ】を一度お読みの上ご覧下さい。 ( ご興味の無い方はそのままお戻り下さい )
Welcome! Thank you for coming to our HP (Heartmic☆Melody) really. As for this site, by the manager photography It is the site of the taste that a photograph was made in the subject. The person who had interest is to read the following "To the first person" once, and enjoy it.
【 初 め て の 方 へ 】
初めまして管理人の 成瀬みっく と申します。
このサイトは、みっくが趣味で撮った風景 や人物の写真(サイトの貼り付け画像については一部、Webサイト制作ソフト付属によるもの有り)をメインに掲載しているサイトで、撮影の技術なんてまだ未熟な腕の為に特別に凄い写真などは無く、その時々に自分が感じた思いのままに撮ってきた写真なので、皆様にもその思いが少しでも伝わりましたらと願い更新を頑張っていますので、お時間の許す限りご覧いただき楽しめて貰えましたらとても嬉しい限りです。
** 当サイトへお越しの際は、よろしければ掲示板に足跡でも残してくれたら嬉しいです **
B B S (掲示板)
【 注 意 事 項 】
写真は表示がスライドショー形式となっている分が有りますので見られない方は最新のFlash Playerが必要となりますので無料のFlash Playerを手に入れて下さい。
当サイトはInternet Explrer 7 にて動作確認済みですので推奨です。
IE 6 ではソフト対応画像の関係で動作が重くなる場合があります。
又、IE 5 以下及び、その他のブラウザでは正常に表示されない場合がございます。
【 To the first person. 】
How do you do, it is called manager's Mikku Naruse. As for this HP. It is the site which the scenery of which Mikku took a picture with a hobby, and a person's photograph are on mainly. There is no specially terrific photograph because the technology of the photography is still immature. It is that photograph which was sometimes personally and which was taken according to the thought. It hopes that that thought is conveyed to everyone as well at all, and It does its best with the renewal of the site. It is very happy if it is seen and it enjoys it as long as it has the time when it is seen.
About all the images which appear at the site. Without notice "Downloading." "Reproduction and processing." "A direct link to the Image." These are prohibited.
Take care of volume because it has the page which sound comes out in.
There is a thing that indication is a slide show form in the photograph.
As for the one which isn't seen, the latest Flash Player is more necessary.
Get free Flash Player at the site of Adobe.
As for contact and so on, approve it because only Japanese should cope with it.
2011.08.16 |
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